Different colors of disco lights add to the vibrancy of an exclusive Bar here in Manila. I am wearing a tube dress until my thigh . Matching with black stilettos. I didn't seem to feel tired even at ten o'clock when Savier and I finished on bed. I really don't know why.
From a far, I already saw the head turner table. Who wouldn't notice this? Based on what I've read in social media lately while going here on my cellphone the Montenegro clan is really rich. Gosh! I thought Manuel couldn't come but he and his brother are here.
All women are attracted to them. I immediately rolled my eyes. Investigating what exactly is their impact on the audience ,they are really an eye catcher.
"Why it took you so long?" Ezekiel had a mischievous grin on his lips as I saw Sav and a man staring at each other.
"Marco, are you lost?" Sav said here.
"How many months haven't we meet my friend ?Why don't you introduce me in the gorgeous lady beside you? "The edge of his lip lifted.