Chapter 35

  "Dio mio! Bella!" I Luca hit me when we met on Monday. And because it's Monday Savier was busy in his work.

  I laughed because of his reactions. "Don't worry Luca, I'll continue working with you."

  "Of course! You're my lucky charm! That's why I don't take other models anymore because I like you better!"

  "Is it still me?" We both laughed and the conversation continued. Two months passed my stay here in Manila went well. I always visit mama who is busy with her business. The same goes for papa who is also busy with our company which is slowly recovering due to Savier's purchase of shares.

  "Luca, I can't." I groaned in dismay. Sav brought me to work. Now, he is gone and in China to meet new investors for his company.

  I saw his face were stress. "God! Bella! I really dont know what to do. A model has already signed . You know you're the only one I can count on like this, don't you? "

  I shook my head. "Who is that?" I asked.