Gianna’s P.o.v

  After sending a text to Xander on where to meet.

  He sent a text saying we should by the pool side.

  I dressed up and got to the pool side all smiles.

  “He is always late” I said to myself,I was about to call me when someone hit me with something hard on my head.

  I was about to pass out,I touched my head weakly and I felt blood coming out of my head.

  I felt someone push me into the deepest part of the pool.

  I couldn’t see the person clearly,I passed out.

  Alexander’s P.o.v

  It was Gianna faced down in the swimming pool in her own blood.

  I quickly jump into the swimming pool and grabbed her.

  I carried her out of the pool,my shirt was already stained with blood.

  “Gigi, Answer me please” I said trying to wake her up, then I saw blood Oozing out of her head.

  “Oh God” I said and carried her out.






  “WHERE’S MY SISTER?” Jamal yelled as he and Ashley ran towards the ambulance.