Author’s P.o.v

  Jamal, Ashley,Xander and Gianna’s mom were asked to leave Gianna’s room so that the doctor could examine her.

  “She doesn’t remember us,F*ck” Jamal said clearly frustrated.

  “Whoever did this to my daughter has to pay dearly for all this”

  Ashley tried consoling Gianna’s mom while Xander just remained quiet,he couldn’t believe Gianna can’t remember him or all the memories they had together.

  The doctor finally came out,they all rushed to him.

  “She doesn’t remember anything like I predicted”

  “So what’s going to happen? When will she recover?” Jamal asked.

  “I have a doctor who specializes in memory loss,he could help her with a therapy and that can help regain her memory”

  “Okay,call him,let him come and examine my daughter”

  “He lives in another state,he would have to come tomorrow but before that, you all shouldn’t try to stress her”

  Alexander’s P.o.v