Alexander’s P.o.v

  I got back from practice so tired and hungry.

  I went straight to my room to take a shower and sleep.

  I wanted to call Gigi,then I remembered my phone is dead so I decided to charge it.

  After taking a shower,I dressed up then went downstairs for lunch.

  Mom was already setting the table,I can’t remember when last she did that.

  “Good afternoon, mom”

  “Good afternoon,how was practice?”

  “Stressful but Great,am so hungry”

  “Your lunch is ready for you” she said and passed the plate to me.






  “Thanks,mom,the food was delicious”

  “You are welcome” She said and I dropped my plate in the sink.

  “Oh,I almost forgot,Gigi stopped by today”

  “Why? She knew I wasn’t going to be around”

  “Well,she said she forgot her friendship necklace in your room”

  “Yeah, that’s true”

  “But there was something strange,She ran out of the house like she was being chased”