Gianna’s P.o.v

  “You are such an animal,a flithy animal”

  “That was two years ago,and am sorry,I was so turned on that night and…

  “And shut up,you monster,am going to tell Xander” I said trying hard not to cry

  “Am sorry but you have any proof, Gianna, please just forget it, if Xander’s parents hear about this, they will most definitely hate me”

  “You were the reason that I started taking drugs,you made me a drug addict”


  “What’s going on in here?” Xander asked as he descended the stairs.

  “Nothing,I was just going to my room”Jackson said quickly and walked away.

  “Babe,are you alright?”

  “Yeah,I am but I need to go home”

  “I thought you were spending the night with me”

  “Xander, something came up”

  “Something like what?”

  “Xander, please don’t question me”

  I know I sounded rude,I could see the hurt in his eyes.
