Alexander’s P.o.v

  “You heard me right, Gianna,if Jackson doesn’t go to jail, forget about dating Xander” Gianna’s mom said.

  “Aunt, please,you can’t do this to us,we really love each other” I said holding Gianna’s hands.

  “My condition still stands,am going home”

  She walked away Leaving us confused and sad.

  “Babe,what are we going to do?”

  “I don’t know” Gigi said and sighed.

  “Let me go,you two deserve happiness,just let me go” Jackson said.

  “No, you can’t go to jail, it’s not the best thing”

  “Then how will you get mom to agree?” Jamal asked looking at Gigi.

  “I don’t know but you have to help me”

  “No,sis,am not helping you,this idiot deserves jail”

  “So your prefer that I and Xander stop dating?”

  “All I want is not to see this Jackson around” Jamal said and walked away.

  “Am going to talk to my mom” Gigi said facing me.