Gianna’s P.o.v

  “What do you mean by ‘we’? Where did you two go to,Xander?”

  “I went to the grocery store,Mabel is just stalking me”

  “No,am not,we just happened to bump into each other”

  “Then if you were not stalking Xander,what did you buy from the grocery store?”Jamal asked.

  “Well,i..i…they didn’t have what I wanted”

  “You are such a terrible liar”

  “Am not lying,leave me the hell alone” Mabel said and walked away.

  “She’s completely crazy” Jamal said and walked away.

  It was only I and Xander in the room,he started walking closer to me,I intended to walk away but he held my wrist and pulled me closer to his chest.

  “And where do you think you are going?”He whispered in my ears.

  “Why was your phone switched off? I was worried about you,now I see you walk in with Mabel”

  “My phone was switched off because I left it at my phone before leaving for the grocery store,and I told you I saw Mabel at the mall.