Mabel’s P.o.v

  “Mom,He’s such a cheater,I can’t believe I dated him” Gianna cried out.

  Her mom and Jamal were comforting her.

  “It’s okay,honey, don’t waste your tears on him,he doesn’t deserve it” Gianna’s mom.

  “I swear am going to kill him for making my twin sister cry”Jamal said trying to walk away.

  “Wait” I said and held his wrist.

  “What?” Jamal asked removing his hand from my grip.

  “Let me go talk to him”

  “And why would you want to talk to him?” Gianna asked with teary face.

  “Because if Jamal goes,they are gonna start punching each other and that’s not the best thing to do,so lete go talk to him,he won’t punch me” I said smiling widely.

  “Whatever” Jamal said and went back to sit beside Gianna.

  “I’ll be back” I said and walked away.





  I went over to his house and rang the bell,I fixed my hair.

  Suddenly the door opened and the sight I saw was absolutely sexy.