Gianna’s P.o.v

  “I can’t believe we will be graduating from college very soon” I said as I laid my head on Xander’s chest.

  We were at the terrace of Xander’s house,it was night time and everywhere was warm and quiet.

  “Yeah,it seems like yesterday when I first moved here”

  “What was your reaction when your parents told you that you were relocating?”

  “I was ready angry because they were never there for me and the only true friends I had were my former college friends,so moving meant starting again so I felt so angry”

  “So what changed your reaction?”

  “The day I moved in to this house,I chose my own room, then I looked through my window and I saw a girl, though I couldn’t see her face but I saw her long dark hair,I knew she was beautiful” He said and I giggled in his chest.

  “You know,when I first saw you,I actually admired you a little bit” I said and he chuckled.

  “So why were you acting all rude to me?”