A week later.

    Gianna’s P.o.v

   “Jamal,Jayden is downstairs” I yelled.

   I brought Jayden to my house because he seriously wanted to see Jamal.

   “Am here already” Jamal said as he got downstairs.

   “Woah,I can’t believe am talking to Jamal Flores,am such a big fan”

   “Am also a big fan of you,Gigi won’t stop talking about you”

   “Yeah,Gigi is quite a talkative” Jayden said and I slapped his arm playfully.

   “Okay,am leaving you two alone to get to know each other” I said and walked away.

    I went upstairs and Ashley was in my room watching a movie.

   “Jamal and Jayden seem to be getting along” I said as I sat on the bed.

   “Yeah,I heard everything and Jayden seems to really like you”

   “Yeah, because we are friends”

   “Stop pretending,Gigi, You and I know there’s a connection between you and Jayden, he’s so handsome and charming”

   “Jayden’s life is full of the press, crazy fans and the paparazzi,I don’t think I can handle that”