Gianna’s P.o.v

  The ride to the hospital for was so quiet and awkward.

   I can’t believe that Xander is moving into the same estate that I live in,For what?

  He’s a big idiot if he thinks I will listen to anything he says.

   “Gigi,are you alright?” Jayden said breaking the awkward slience.

   “Yeah..yeah,am fine,why are you asking?”

   “Well, because you have been unusually quiet,is something wrong?”


   “For a minute back there,I thought you and Alex were fighting”

   “No,we were not,we hardly know each other”

   “The way he looked at you said differently”

   “What would I and Alexander McQueen be talking about?”


   “Jay,do you talk to him,since you two are celebrities”

   “Just random greetings,we are not close”


   “We are here”Jayden said as he stopped the car.

   “Thanks,see you later”