Gianna’s P.o.v

  Before I could even process what was happening, Xander kissed me.

   I was struggling with him but he held me down by holding my waist so tight.

   I bit his lips, then he pulled away immediately, then I slapped him.

    “OUCH!!” He said as he touched his cheek.

   “How dare you kiss me, what’s your f*cking problem?”

   “I just wanted to show you that you haven’t gotten over me”

   “Well,I think you got your answer, don’t touch me or kiss me ever in your life”I said and walked into my room.







   “Are you okay?”Jayden asked as we took a walk around the resort.

   “No.. nothing,am fine”

   “Gigi, don’t lie to me,your face says it all,what did Xander do to you?”

   I looked at him.

   “What does Xander have to do with this?”

   “Don’t pretend,Gigi, I know you and Xander had something in the past”