Gianna’s P.o.v

   We were all eating in slience,I tried not to look at Xander but the girl he was with kept giggling.

    They were feeding each other, such big fools.

   I looked over at Jayden, then smiled to myself.

   “Um..Jay,you have a stain on your cheek”

   “Really? Where?”Jayden asked touching his face.

   “I will help you” 

   I went closer to him, making our faces so close to each other, then I licked the side of his lips.

   Jayden was blushing like crazy but Xander was so angry but he quickly waved it off.


    “Ouch,my eyes” Xander said rubbing his eyes.

   “What’s wrong?” The girl he brought said.

   “There’s something in it”

   “Let me help you”

   He went closer to the girl,she started blowing air into his eyes.

   “Are you okay,now?”

   “Yeah but your eyes are so beautiful”He said and the girl blushed.

   He used to say that to me when we used to date, he’s such a jerk face.