2 weeks later.

      Alexander’s P.o.v

   “So how are you coping with the b*tch?”Gianna asked over the phone.

   “It’s horrible,I sleep at Bryan’s house because that girl has gome totally nuts, she’s crazy”

   “Well,you have to keep enduring”

   “I don’t want to endure anymore, I want to be with you”

   “Very soon, Sweetie, very soon”

   “So how are you?”

   “Well,I have been feeling sick for sometime now but am okay, Jayden keeps me company”She said and I rolled my eyes at the mention of Jayden’s name.

   “Yeah,you two must be happy a good time”

   “Xander,what did I say about your jealousy?”

   “That it is bad and I should trust you”

   “Exactly, Jayden already knows that we are together and he is fine with it”

   “I know but I can’t help but think that he would still want to have you”

   “Nothing like that will happen,I have to go now,okay?”