Gianna’s P.o.v

  “I can’t believe that worthless thing came here to attack you”Ashley said.

   She just arrived from Chicago so I told her everything.

   “She’s just a b*tch and am not afraid of her”

   Ashley was about to say something else but I felt the huge urge to puke,I ran to the bathroom to throw up.

   After I was done,I came out and Ashley was looking at me weirdly.

   “What?”I asked.

   “Gianna,are you pregnant?”She asked making me widen my eyes in shock.

   “No,am not”

   “Then why have you been throwing up,you eat a whole lot and you have added so much weight”

   “Am not pregnant”

   “When last did you see your period?”She asked, that’s when it hit me.

   My period,I haven’t seen it since last month.

   “Oh my goodness,oh my goodness,how could I be so careless?”

   “Have you and Xander been using protection?”

   Protection, Goddamn it.