Alexander’s P.o.v

  “ are telling me that am getting married to Skylar because am trying to understand things here” I said, looking at my parents like they were crazy.

   “Yes and stop looking at us like we are insane”My dad said amd I stood up.

   “Because you both are insane”I said angrily and my mom gasps in shock.

   “Don’t talk to us like that,we are your parents”

   “You know,am beginning to have doubts that you are my parents, because if you were,you would want to see me happy”

   “But this is for your happiness,you and Skylar would make a good couple”

   I took the vase on the table and threw it against the wall making it break into pieces.

   My mom and Skylar flinch back in fear.

   “NO, you are doing this for your own benefit,am nothing to you two but some object you can gain from”

   “Now, Alexander McQueen,this was part of our deal”