Day 2.2 - Rambling Myself

[UTC 10:00:00]

I've done the most important parts of leveling up my base and opening Files, now I can ramble on my notes.

First up, looking at the players in the chat.

Can I be your o, a player who recently joined and attained the BLUEPRINTS for the [Chimera - Heavy Cruisers].

[Gladiators] The Authorized, the first player from the UNION [Gladiators] that I've seen in the STAR SYSTEM chat.

BeneElohim seems to be a new player and is so far enjoying the game. That's good to hear, hope that he'll continue to do so.

[Guardian] Justicars of He, an active player in the UNION. Justicars of He stated that he has begun constructing the [Destroyer Shipyard] [UTC 03:30:00], so he's in EXPANSION 3 and is likely to advance to EXPANSION 4 by tomorrow max.

for glory, seems to be a player who just joined with the exact EMBLEM as mine? What a coincidence! And he also posted his own coordinates to his base, that is (*22*. **50).

~ Note: EMBLEMS are basically your profile picture.

[Gladiators] NekoPoi, an unusually named player who suddenly posted their own coordinates in response to for glory at (7**4, *1*5).

~ Another Note: not sure if publicizing coordinates is good or bad, so I'll just blur it out a bit)

[Liberation] 拓荒者码头 (Pioneer Pier), Leader of the UNION [Liberation] seems to be a somewhat experienced player, quite active in chat, and is friendly with another lone player Valkyrie.

[Liberation] Siege 1, a player who has reached EXPANSION 9, advancing to PHASE 3 within 23 hours [UTC 06:18:00] and has recently eliminated a Level 8 Privateer Base in his other account [UTC 06:30:00].

Oh wow, from Siege 1's chat, he seems to have seen a player with 75 Battlecruisers. This is interesting...

From both my memories and checking the TECH FILES, there are only 4 different BLUEPRINTS for Battlecruisers:

· [Eternal Storm - Attack Battlecruiser]

· [ST59 - Defensive Battlecruiser]

· [Constantine the Great - Multi-Role Battlecruiser]

· [Spear of Uranus - Heavy Battlecruiser]

For Battlecruisers, only 6 of each BLUEPRINTS can be manufactured and active at the same time per player, meaning that a single player is capable of mobilizing 24 Battlecruisers at once by themselves.

I also need to calculate the COMMAND POINTS, which limits the number of SHIPS that you can have active.

Spear of Uranus and Constantine needs 35 each, Eternal Storm needs 32 each and ST59 only needs 28 each.

Calculating that...that requires 780 COMMAND POINTS to operate all 24 Battlecruisers.

Of course, each Fleet also has a 300 COMMAND POINTS restriction, so all these Battlecruisers would have to split up. Even with the [Field Command Center] in EXPANSION 9, which at max level, increases the restriction up to 400 COMMAND POINTS, it will still require splitting the Fleets.

Whew...if I remember correctly, once you've maxed out your base, you can get 900 COMMAND POINTS total, so it is indeed possible. Other external additions could be via the REINFORCEMENT feature and using a particular DOCKING POINT allows increasing the REINFORCEMENT by +5 to +9 SHIPS. Assuming that you have two Fleets, adding it all together brings us to 42 Battle cruisers all together under the command of a single player.

We could probably crank up the number of 51 if there were three fleets.

While it does sound impractical, it is indeed possible to command over 40 Battlecruisers at once.

The only likely method to have a single player gain control of 75 Battlecruisers means that the player requires to split his Fleets more so that players can utilize the REINFORCEMENT function to add in more Battlecruisers.

Using the equation, Un = 24 + 9n, we can find the minimum number of Fleets required to gain 75 Battlecruisers.

At the minimum, a player would require to have 6 separate Fleets, assuming that the player is reinforced with 9 Battlecruisers each Fleet.

Theoretically, it is indeed possible to see a player commanding 75 Battlecruisers. But practical wise, it is unlikely to be seen at the current date. Aside from the resources and time to manufacture that many Battlecruisers, the current meta

Siege 1 is likely overexaggerated in this regard, but I might've also said the same if I were to see Fleets consisting solely of Battlecruisers.

It would be terrifying.

Especially a year ago while I still played. Due to the lack of RNG, I could only rely on the standard ships that everyone got like the CAS Cruisers and the KCCPV2.0 for Cruisers and the Taurus Destroyer as my sole Destroyer in combat.

I had also used AC721 Aircraft Destroyer and the KCCPV2.0 Aircraft Cruisers, but it isn't as effective cause well, it relies on the quality of the AIRCRAFTS itself, and I've only gotten FIGHTERS such as the [Balancer Anderson SC020 - scout] and [Sandrakes - Atmospheric Interceptor], both of which only fulfills the basic requirements for ANTI-SHIP CAPABILITIES // GRADE: C

~ Note: the GRADES roughly outlines the capabilities and advantages on the standards of your SHIP TYPES (Ranking between Frigates only, between Destroyers only, etc.) and it goes from S ~ C Rank. So yeah...

And what about the CORVETTES?

Heh, what CORVETTES? I don't see any-!

Oh, while I was typing at this point, [Member] Aga-

No, Agano has left the Union. And so suddenly at that.'s unlikely to be an accident as the EXIT button has a Warning issue. So, I wonder what made Agano decide to leave the UNION?

Was there a problem or that he may have gotten bored of the game?

...I might be overthinking this case as per usual. Moving on!

In replacement of Agano, SCVReady was readily admitted to the UNION by either one of the [Officers] or the [Leader] Rico. Thinking about it, while there is an ACTIVENESS Column that indicates a player's...well, 'activeness', it doesn't show whether the player is actually online or not.

It is, well, annoying in a way, especially in preparing for City OPERATIONS. Like, you wouldn't know whether the player was actually online or not at that time to initiate the attack. I'm honestly impressed with the UNION Leaders in this game, especially more so in PvP, a field which I haven't directly confronted yet.

Let's stop here, this should be a good place to end this rambling of mine. I wonder if [Leader] Rico will be discussing the plans for the City OPERATION?