Night Sky Reminiscing

Looking at the sky is my only means of seeing the reality that it's hard for us to be together again...


Night time arrived in Esovia. Even with how strange the situation had started for Yuri and the others to go there, the young Maoh was glad that the Esovian Mazoku welcomed them warmly. He got to smile and laugh with the town folks of the capital who came to prepare a lot as a celebration for their arrival. Of course, Yuri couldn't help feeling a little awkward and embarrassed, at first. But it turned out that it was a part of their gratitude that he was able to guide the kingdom and govern it to a better era.

The Esovian Mazoku were aware of Yuri's achievements, both to the Mazoku and humans, even though the majority of those people haven't left the island or visited Shin Makoku at all. As to how it happened, it appeared that the Genshi Miko of that island was giving constant updates about it as per the tradition that had existed since the foundation of the kingdom. But only the royal family - or in this case, the Five Aristocratic Families' leaders - were the ones receiving the updates.

Yuri and Murata were also able to meet Mari's protege and her Wind Tiger Knight successor Gale when the celebration started. It appeared that Rina nagged Mari to attend it instead of getting busy with more training. But Shori could tell something was weird about Mari's actions and her desire to train more - at least for her sake.

"Chie, does Mari overwork herself whenever she would train?" Shori asked the brunette who was sitting beside him as they watched the town folks dancing and chatting.

"I'm not sure about the first few months, since we weren't there to see it. But according to both Klaus and Hanz, Mari would train herself so much to the point of vomiting. I had a hunch that the training put a toll on her still adjusting body for something like that to happen."

Of course, the bespectacled man couldn't contain the shock he felt upon hearing that. But he chose not to say anything as a retort or anything close to that. Mari was the one he should be scolding. But he should know better that one of his friends was that kind of person. He looked around and saw the said Wind Tiger Knight looking at the sky away from all the people celebrating. He then recalled something that Rina said - that Mari had the habit of staring into space when the situation called for it. Regardless of the place, she would always do so.

Though Shori couldn't understand Mari's reason for doing so, he could attribute it to the fact that being a Beast Knight in this world was a duty that would give someone a reason to think too much. As he continued watching his friend look at the sky like that, another figure soon caught his attention just a few meters away from that of Mari's right side. It didn't take him long to realize who it was.

"Conrad's been doing a lot of staring into spaces lately, as well, huh?" Shori could only say to himself that made him sigh.

He could understand Conrad's reason for doing so. But he couldn't do the same thing when it comes to Mari. Just what in the world was that woman thinking at the moment for her to look at the night sky like that?

"Don't worry about Mari," Nobu said as soon as he approached Shori. "It's not like she's thinking of doing anything dangerous. But you should've always known that it's been her way of distracting herself and clearing her mind. At the moment, she needed to do that. Especially since it's been decided that she'd lead the investigative force in Shin Makoku about the Mazoku's situation."

With a heavy sigh, Shori nodded and looked at Mari for one last time before facing a different direction where he knew Chie was. Nobu soon accompanied him in approaching their other friends having a good time.


A heavy sigh escaped Mari's lips for who knows how many times already that night. But the seemingly prickling feeling in her chest hadn't faded at all. It's been days since she started feeling it, but she couldn't find any reason for her to experience something like that. She also hasn't mentioned it to anyone at all as she was unsure if they'd understand her situation or not.

The moon that night was unusually bright and serene. And as always, it would calm her down - at least for the meantime before she started feeling it again.

"Do you have the habit of staying away from your comrades, Knight Mari?"

Startled, she rashly faced the direction where she heard the voice - only to frown at the sight of Conrad slowly approaching her position. Wait a minute! How come she hadn't sensed that this guy was nearby?

And then it didn't take long for his question to finally register in her mind. She couldn't help chuckling as she looked at the night sky once more. "Not really. But there are moments when I usually want to be alone and relish the silence. This is one of those moments." Soon after, she faced the soldier who already stopped just a meter beside her. "What about you? Are you still doing some more reminiscing? I heard that you and Klaus had a long talk after I left to head to the training ground."

"We did. But as you said, it's more on reminiscing what had happened in the past... even though we both knew that doing so would allow years' worth of anguish and pain to resurface before any of us could stop it." And then it struck Conrad. How was he able to blurt things out like this in front of this woman?

As he looked at Mari, he was startled to find an amusing smile etched on her face at the moment.

"Is there something wrong?" he couldn't help asking.

But Mari shook her head and looked at the night sky once more. "Klaus was never a talkative person. And yet with what you're telling me right now, I'm going to think that you're talking about a different person and not the Klaus I knew." Moments later, she sighed. "Then again, I guess talking about that particular part of his past would still do him good. He doesn't have to continue bearing it all alone, even for just a short while."

No one said anything after that. Both Mari and Conrad looked at the moon illuminating that dark part of the vicinity with its serene glow. No one could tell what was going on in each other's minds at the moment. But the silence was calming enough for both of them to decide to relish it as it was. It wasn't such a bad idea, honestly.

Even with that thought, however, something still felt wrong. Why was everything -- even the silence -- felt so familiar?