The Tower

How does one walks away from all of the memories? - How Can I Not Love You?, Joy Enriquez


Though there had been a jolly and vibrant celebration for their Mazoku guests the night before, it soon became apparent that reality would kick in sooner or later. It came in the form of soldiers and castle staff preparing for the Beast Knights' travel to Shin Makoku. At this point, however, only 3 out of the 6 Beast Knights decided to head out first before the other 3 would come later, as well with the necessary help to provide.

Much to the Mazoku's surprise, the three female Beast Knights were the ones sent out first to do the investigation. And with Mari's wind powers, she would deliver the reports containing the information she'd be able to gather along the way. The 3 male Beast Knights had other important duties to fulfill and carry out in Esovia, especially Klaus since he was the leader of the Central Aristocratic Family. It wouldn't be easy for him to leave the island like that, even if the situation was as foreboding as a Phantasma presence in other places.

As for Hanz, he would be tasked to prepare the soldiers just in case the situation did get worse before they knew it and beyond what they had anticipated. Nobu's job as the island's wildlife veterinarian was also important in the sense that the wild animals' actions in the Forest of Illusions would give them the ultimate signal. Especially with that of the dragons in their care.

Nobu's absence made Shori quite sad, but the Earth Bear Knight assured his friend that he'd catch up sooner or later with the 3 female Beast Knights. He even joked to Shori about not missing him too much while they were separated. Of course, Nobu nearly earned a smack on his head because of that.

The preparation took one full day and the Mazoku, plus the 3 female Beast Knights, were scheduled to head out to Shin Makoku the next day. Sure, they would be delayed and another 4 days would take place as they fared the sea to Shin Makoku. But Nobu assured the Mazoku that nothing had occurred yet in Shin Makoku that was related to Phantasma attacks. The dragons' actions were the proof of that, he said.

Further discussions happened while the preparation for the trip was underway. As initially decided, Mari would lead the investigation and relay her information through Klaus using her wind powers. Both Chie and Rina would assist the Wind Tiger Knight and provide any protection needed when necessary.

"I don't doubt your skill as a fighter, Mari. But please don't overdo it."

The said woman just smiled at Shori's worried request. "I can't promise you anything at this point, Shori. Remember, we're dealing with a Phantasma. And more than two decades had passed since the last attack of the enemies on this island. Who knows what could've changed since then."

"But don't neglect your safety and survival, as well, Knight Mari," Lady Sofia intercepted. "You do tend to overdo things. It could lead to your downfall if you don't heed their words of concern to you."

"You don't have to worry about anything, Shori. We're here to make sure she doesn't overdo things. It's one of Klaus' orders to us, after all."

Mari pouted as she heard that from Rina that only made the others smile. It would appear that Klaus was feared and quite protective of the other Knights. But it seemed that he was specifically protective of Mari - or at least Conrad noticed it.

As soon as the discussion was over, the others decided to head back to their respective rooms and offices to do their duties or other things. However, it seemed that Mari had other things in mind. The others had thought about that upon seeing her heading in a different direction.

To be specific, the tower of the Roseberke Castle.

"Why does she keep heading there these past months, anyway?" Nobu couldn't help asking as he could only watch his friend walk away from them. "Do you have any idea, Hanz?'

"Do you know what month is right now?" Klaus asked all of a sudden.

"The 10th month of the year 3826 on the Esovian calendar. What about it?"

"What month did Lyall die?"

Hanz sighed before answering. "On the 10th month of the year 3801. Are you saying-?"

"For the past 16 years since she arrived here, I noticed that she'd go to the tower on the same day and month as Lyall's death. I didn't give it much of a thought at first. Up until I noticed certain things about her that are related to the dead princess," Klaus explained. "One thing I can tell, it has nothing to do with reincarnation."

"You can rule out inherited memories, as well," Chie added which Klaus nodded as a response.

"That leaves us with her powers, then. She did replace the dead princess as the next Wind Tiger Knight, after all. But if you ask me, I don't feel as sentimental as she does if it is related to her powers."

Hanz tapped Rina's shoulder which made her look at him.

"Let's leave her with her thoughts. You do know that the tower is where she could tap the power of the Beast Spirits for guidance. You might as well do the same so that you'd be able to do your duty to guard and assist Mari with the investigation."

The Water Swordfish Knight just nodded but still stayed in her position even after Klaus and Hanz left.

"Are you alright, Rina?" Shori couldn't help but ask since he did notice that his friend remained silent.

The young woman nodded and smiled. "You can't help me feeling worried about Mari's actions, right?" Soon after, her smile faltered upon noticing something. "By the way, where is Lord Weller?"


The answer to Rina's question lies in the Roseberke Castle tower, as well. Or at least, only Mari knew that as she was the one who decided to follow the said soldier there as soon as she noticed that Conrad headed to that specific place. She didn't know why she had the urge to follow him, though. Even she was mystified about that. But she'd rather choose to find answers for that later.

Mari heaved a heavy sigh after doing a lot of thinking and the next thing she knew, she was taking steps one by one - going towards the seemingly absent-minded soldier.

"Are you alright, Lord Weller?" she ventured as she already reached the spot just a few steps behind him.

She did notice that as soon as she spoke, it startled him. He probably didn't expect anyone to follow him there. He turned around soon after. "Knight Mari..."

"Forgive me for startling you, though."

Conrad shook his head and smiled. "It's alright. I didn't think that someone would follow me here."

I also didn't think that you would be familiar with this place. So I guess we're even," Mari responded with a chuckle. "You miss her, huh?"

One didn't have to be a mind reader to know what Mari was talking about. But weird enough, Conrad wasn't feeling bothered by it or anything like that. It was because he could detect concern in her voice as she was saying those words.

He soon nodded as a response. "Until now, I still do. This place is where we spent our last time together before I left here."

"And I'm pretty sure she treasured that moment until she heaved her last breath. So there's no reason for you to feel sad. She'd never be able to bear it if she'd keep seeing you like this."

Once again, Conrad became speechless because of this woman. But Klaus had already warned him about Mari the last time they talked. Slowly, he could see similarities between her and Lyall. And he couldn't understand why he could only feel warmth instead of sadness since those similarities would only remind him of Lyall.

'You're not the first person to say those words to me. But how come I wanted to truly listen to you as soon as you said them?' The soldier couldn't help asking those questions in his mind. The very same thing he wanted to utter in front of this woman.

"You don't have to worry about me." He sighed soon after. "We're about to head out tomorrow. I'm sure it's going to be your first time leaving the island. How are you feeling?"

"Just similar to how I was feeling whenever I'd leave the country back on Earth. A little nervous, but also excited. Though in this case, this travel has danger accompanying it. There is a Phantasma involved, after all."

"Do as they wanted you to do, though. Don't overdo things."

Mari smiled. "I know that." She soon approached the wall and stared at the capital down below. "If it's for Esovia's safety, then I don't mind overdoing it. But I know a lot of people wouldn't want me to do things related to my duties to the extreme. So I'll do my best to be careful." She faced Conrad whom she didn't realize was staring at her.

Wait a minute! How long had he been doing that?

"That's good to know."

There was nothing special about those words. And yet how come her heart was beating this fast because of that?

The time to head out was already set. But how come Mari - and also Conrad - could feel that this journey back to Shin Makoku was something that could change a lot about each other? It could be just a feeling. And yet it was something that scared her to some extent.