My Family

Wang Long: "Xiao'er I have told you already that I am going to be protect you and this is nothing just a small thing that I have done."

Hearing these words of Wang Long, Li Weixiao felt beig touched in her heart and this made her smile a little with unbeknownst to her.

After the bandage is done and Li Weixiao and Wang Long have talked about this situation between them just at that moment a female staff came near them.

She is the same female staff who had earlier broke the glass and spilled the water on the ground accidently.

Then the female staff stood in front of Wang Long and Li Weixiao and she bowed her head before them.

Seeing her standing in front of them like this made Li Weixiao and Wang Long surprised a little and then they both got up from the ground and looked at her.

Then looking at her face which is still down looking at the ground below Li Weixiao asked her,