Dinner Together

Then they both saw Li Weixiao is taking some orders from the guests and also taking care of the customers who are eating their food along with Wang Long.

Gu Hong and Ling Xue became really surprised and happy to see the working partnership of Li Weixiao and Wang Long to give the food to their customers.

In doing their work Li Weixiao and Wang Long had not seen that Gu Hong and Ling Xue has arrived there and they just did their work.

After a little while both Li Weixiao and Wang Long looked at the direction where Gu Hong and Ling Xue are standing.

When Li Weixiao and Wang Long went to take orders or to check the customers if they need anything who are sitting near the door, at that time they both saw that Gu Hong and Ling Xue are standing there.

And seeing them both Li Weixiao and Wang Long became happy but since the restaurant is full with customers they can't talk with each other much.