Chapter 32

I see that Vincent has tears in his eyes. "Will you talk to me?"

"Yes, Vinny, just drop the knife."

I've never heard anyone call Vincent that before, and apparently Vincent hasn't heard that nickname in a long time. When he hears Sterling say it, he gasps and a tear falls from his face. I stand to the side, not daring to move a muscle.

"On three," Sterling says, "we'll both let go. Ready? One...two...three."

Sterling releases his hold on Vincent, but Vincent keeps his grip on the knife. As Sterling lets go of him, Vincent stumbles and falls into him. The knife goes right into Sterling's belly, and I scream.

"Ah, shit," Sterling says, staggering back. I catch him just before he falls. Sterling looks up at Vincent and says, "I've never lied to you…"

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Vincent says, holding his hands up to his head. "What have I done?"

Sterling is heavy in my arms, and he sinks lower.