Chapter 31

"Help!" I scream at the passers-by. "Someone help!"

No one stops or even looks at me. I run behind the building into a narrow alley and hide behind some discarded boxes.

Through my small point of view through the alley out onto the busy street, I see Sterling. He's holding a photo in his hand, asking people something as they pass by. Is he looking for me?

"Wanna call him for help?" Vincent asks, suddenly behind me.

I almost scream, but he covers my mouth with his hand.

"I'm going to kill you know," he whispers in my ear.

I bite Vincent's hand, hard. He yells out and pulls his hand away. I can taste his blood.

"Sterling!" I scream, but Vincent drags me out of sight just as I see Sterling turn his head in my direction.

"Shut up, or he'll die too!" Vincent hisses. One hand is over my mouth again, and the other bleeding one that I bit is holding the knife I used to stab him.

I mumble something, and he loosens his grip just enough for me to say, "Don't hurt him."