Aaron's POV
I woke in the hospital, I kept wondering why I woke up here of all places...but still nothing seemed to make sense. To my surprise no doctor or nurse walked in and I took it upon myself to search for answers, so I got up from my hospital bed and headed for the door but something happened when I got to the door the ground started to shake and I tried to cling to the doorknob but I ended up sliding towards the window. The building I was in, was falling, slowly tilting to the ground.
I closed my eyes waiting for the impact but I felt nothing, so I decided to open my eyes and I was planted face first to the window of the building and all I could do was watch the building fall. But I saw something, more like a glimpse of hope; my brother walking along the pathway of the hospital, so I screamed for help and then suddenly something came to mind the building was falling towards him. I stopped screaming for help then I started screaming for him to get out of the way.
I kept wondering why the building didn't hit the ground yet and why my brother couldn't hear the sound of the falling building. I decided to create a crack on the window, hoping it would break because at this moment I would rather die than watch my brother die with me.
The window cracked and I saw it as a chance to scream for my brother to get out of the way, but no audible sound came out and all of a sudden the building wasn't the one falling it was me.
I was falling to fast to even think; so I braced myself for another impact but all I got embraced with, was a cold feeling around me. I opened my eyes and all I saw was water surrounding me. I looked left and right, bottom to top I saw nothing but the water from what seemed like an ocean. I started swimming up and tried to hold my breathe, after a while of trying to swim up, I couldn't hold my breathe any longer and started drowning.
As I was drowning I saw a white figure come towards me but by the time the figure got close to me I was unconscious.
I woke up in a field, relieved that I didn't die and taking in my surroundings. I stood up, so that I could look over the slightly long grass and all I could see was emptiness. I wanted to stay were I was to avoid any certain death situations but I felt like I had to keep moving.
I walked for what seemed like an hour, in my head, but didn't see anything. I felt like I was going in circles until I saw, the white figure from before. I started running towards it and the closer I got the more I see could her. She had her back turned away from me, I ran faster to her before she could disappear.
I took some time to catch my breath, I then looked at her "Hey,uhm ...are you the one that saved me?" I asked, but she still didn't turn around. I took her hand and turned her around but she didn't have a face. I took a step back and she took fast steps towards me and then vanished.
I woke up, only to find myself in the hospital but this time with a doctor and two nurses by my side.
"Uh, you are alive ..it's a miracle " The doctor said. "What's going on?" I asked.
"It seems that the impact to your head from the accident has given you temporal amnesia and it will take sometime for you to recover your lost memories." He said.
"Where is my brother?" I asked.
"Ah, you still remember him. He is the next room but..." I stand up and rush out of my bed, I was too quick for them to stop me because after I got to the room I understood why the doctor was about to say 'but'. What I saw was so horrific and something that I wished would never have happened to him. My little brother with tubes connected to him and machines beeping, the sad part is that I knew this situation all too hi well. Those tubes and machines were the only things keeping him alive.
When the doctor came to me, he knew he was too late because I already saw the situation for myself. "I am sorry but your brother is in a deep coma, and he has a 0.1% of ever waking up."
I didn't want to cry but I couldn't stop the tears. The nurse came to pull me out of the room, I didn't resist. I can't help to feel that this is my fault, am his older brother and I'm supposed to protect him but how can I even protect my brother when all I can remember is him,my name and not what happened to us.
The nurse then assisted me back to my bed "The guys that pulled you out of the burning car, couldn't find your phones. The accident happened yesterday and we are doing our level best to find your parents." She said calmly.
I didn't respond because I don't even know who my parents are or anything about the accident. The nurse then leaves me, I spend the rest of the day simply sleeping and waking up. Whenever the nurse came in to bring food that I didn't even eat, she gave me a look that I really didn't like 'pity'. She looked at me in that way so much that, I got tired of it and pretended to sleep.
That went on for a week, until my parents came to see me. Both of my parents were happy and relieved that I was alive, but when I brought up the topic about my brother they told me to not worry and that my brother is a fighter, he would pull through.
On the same day of my parents visitation, I was being checked out. I was sad to leave my brother alone but I would visit everyday, until the day he wakes up.
As I was walking out of my room an angry looking woman approached me, she grabbed both sides of my shirt " Are you happy now! Huh! My daughter followed you everywhere and look at her now! She is DEAD!" She kept pulling me back and forth holding onto my shirt.
"Bring her back!" She cried and screamed at the same time. "Bring her back!" She said again then fell to the ground and whispered "Please Aaron"
When I heard my name I stayed frozen, this woman knew me and her child was dead because of me. I heard my parents calling out my name, then I turned to them "Did I do it?"
The both stayed silent and that's when I knew the girl was probably with me and my brother. I bent down to the weeping woman "Who was she...who was she...your daughter?" She looked at me with a sad eyes " so it is true, you don't remember her."
I looked straight into her sad eyes "no, I don't."
She stands up and gives me a picture "I won't tell you who she was. But for the loss you have brought into my life; I will only give you her picture because she would have wanted you to have it but as a punishment I hope you spend the rest of your life trying to find answers for what you did to her and your brother." And with that she walks away.
I look at the picture and see similarities from the girl in my dreams with no face, maybe it was her. She was the one I saw but I couldn't remember. And if my brother was awake he would have known. I asked my parents and all they said was the doctor told them not to force any memories back because it might be bad for my situation.
I looked at the picture again so; It started with you, but it's also my dream now. But without my brother their is no meaning to this dream. What am I supposed to do if you disappear? But it's seems that you already have and the only proof of your existence is this picture.
******THE END********