The Abused Mother

WARNING: This chapter might be harmful to certain viewers. If you are not comfortable with it, you can skip this Chapter. You have been warned.

Third person p.o.v

Why does she stay? Why does she take this? Why does she let herself cry? Is this pain worth it? So many questions ran through her mind, whilst her head was being bashed into the car steering wheel by her so called husband. The car almost swerving into the other lane.

Her job was to be a mother, a wife and after he lost his job; she became the bread winner. She worked as a retailer, her job didn't earn enough and she had three kids to think about, a worthless husband to baby.

This day wasn't supposed to end like this, all she wanted was to go home and take a good night's rest after working overtime. But he came to pick her up from work, with his sweet words only present when people were around he then said " My love, let's go home".

Fear creeped into because she could smell the alcohol on him. She then looked at her situation and offered to drive the car. After all, She is a mother above all else. She wouldn't want to leave her children orphaned.

He accepted for her to drive the car, throughout the drive things where fine; they were almost home, so she decided to speak her mind and she said " I believe it would be best if we would part ways".

He couldn't accept it, so he decided to show her his power. He didn't even think twice, he grabbed her head from behind and bashed her head into the steering wheel. The car almost swerving into the other lane. She stopped the car, because she couldn't hold onto the steering wheel anymore because the pain was too much. The road they were in was not far from their home, or let's say his home. So when he felt satisfied with what he did, he pushed out of the drivers seat and out of the car and drove off home.

Their kids were waiting in excitement to see their parents, so when they saw the car drive up into their drive way they got excited and went to greet both of them. But to their suprise, their mother wasn't in the car.

Their father came out of the car stumbling back and forth, the children were used to their father being a drunk so they didn't mind it, all they wanted to know is where their mother was. So his second born child among the three took it upon herself to ask "Dad, where is mom?"

He then answered "she is with a friend ".

The kids knew that their mother did not have friends, they got shocked but worry weighed over them because they knew about their father's abusive side. Then the oldest child got her phone and tried to call their mother, whilst the second child went out of the drive way to wait for their mother.

The youngest then came out of the house and started crying, because all the little girl wanted was their mother. That's when reality kicked in for the kids, their mother was crying as she was walking towards the house, she bummed into a stranger and he asked her " Madam, what's wrong?" .

She just kept walking then her second child ran to her, and then saw her mother's face the horror of it all killed her inside and out. She couldn't even react, then the youngest amongst them just started crying and hugged their mother in the drive way. The oldest felt lost, angry and then she took a knife; she wanted to end her mother's suffering but when was about to approach her parents bedroom to kill him, she thought will he turn the knife on me, she felt like a coward and started crying and went to her mother.

The second child got called by the Father and he asked " Has your mother arrived?". She looked at him and just walked away and went back to the driveway to comfort her mother with her other sisters. All four of them cried and all the mother could think of was

I have no family to go to, my job won't be enough to pay rent and feed the kids, I have no friends to ask for help from, this hurts and why me? How can I escape, I trapped myself.

She thought it was her fault and with that she deceived herself again, and changed her train of thought.

He is the father of my children, they need a father, they can't grow up without a father, am strong, I can manage, I will stay, I am patient and he will change.

       †******* THE END*****†