The girl who wanted attention

Lisa's POV

I have always craved for attention, maybe that sounds weird but I always wanted someone to pay attention to me.

In my family I have always been the neglected one. At first I thought maybe it was some sense of priority but when my siblings ignored my existence the same way my parents did, I knew that I was the outcast.

I did all sort of things to get their attention; getting expelled from different schools, bulling and beating up someone, and now drugs still no one paid attention.

And today, here I am, feeling every single last breath of air leave me, my eyes getting drowsy but am trying to stay awake. I think am dying in my room whilst everyone is down stairs enjoying a movie.

I have always thought about different scenarios of how my life with my family would be but there has never been a scenario were I pictured myself with them.

Is it wrong..... Is drowning myself in self pity wrong?

Do I want to survive this?...

What do I survive on?....

How did I get to this stage?...

Why do I crave it .....should I crave the attention?

I am so pathetic, I did all this to get attention and look where I am again.

Alone on the floor gasping for air, I always wondered what it would feel to die and this is it.

I am left with nothing, but my thoughts and worst of all no accomplishments just regrets.

Was I that desperate?

Who am I kidding, I was and I am. I wanted attention and I will get it. I will be noticed by everyone after I die. How hypocritical of them all, they will pay attention to me when I die.

My eyes are starting to get heavy, I can't fight it anymore. I will gather up my last breath to make a grand exit.



Before Lisa could finish off her sentence, she died. Her body was found the next day, her family did not bother to check up on her the day she died.

She didn't get the attention that she wanted even in her death. Her family were actually embarrassed by her death. According to them she was a "coward" and in end they decided to just make no funeral.

No one can ever understand why the family treated her the way they did and we shall never understand why she wanted attention, but her death did not gain her anything she wished for.

*******THE END*********