He said ....trust me

Linda's POV

I don't know what happened but all I do know is that this man next to me...has done the most disgusting thing any human could do...he...told me to trust him.


"I don't think it's a good idea for you to go out with someone, you just met. At least if you gonna go out with him, you should be in a full on public setting." Samantha emphasizes for the twentieth time.

I understand she is worried and as my best friend it's normal for her to get this worried but I have assured her that I will be fine.

"I have gone on many dates like this, why is this such a big deal. I will be back in a few hours. He promised to bring me home by 10PM and it's only 7PM. Trust me, I will be perfectly fine." I reassured.

I know that I don't know much about Hayden but me going on a date with him, is for me to get to know him better.

"I still don't trust him, you have only talked to him for a week plus making it worse you guys met on a random ass street. What if he was stalking you and you just don't know it. I just worry about you alot, you are that one friend whose basically family." Sam says.

" okay, I understand your worries.....uhm.. I guess..what we can do is...I will call you..uh..after every hour of the date." I give out a solution hoping she agrees.

she nods her head in agreement and then as if on queue, the door bell rings. " His here!" I am super excited and I can't wait to go on this date. I get up from my sit and rush for the door but Sam beat me to it.

I see her giving him a lecture "and also...." she was about to say something else until he cut her off "Trust me, I will bring her back on time and make sure she eats and comes back in one peace. If she doesn't you have a free pass to do whatever you want with me" he gives her a warm reassuring smile.

"Okay fine, I trust you just this once." She then looks at me and hugs me tightly then let's me go. " stay safe please." She gives me pleading eyes.

"Don't worry I will be fine. " I take Hayden's hand " let's go" I say and he gives me a warm smile.

He opens the car door for me and closes it after I get in. He then runs around and gets into the drivers side, we both put on our seatbelts and he starts the car then we are off.

As he is driving to our destination he speaks out " Did I mention you look beautiful, cause you definitely do." His words make me blush. "Thank you, it means a lot coming from you" I say.

As he drives we sit in a comfortable silence but I wonder where is he taking me. "Uhm...I forgot to ask where are you taking me?" He looks at me with his warm smile. " Trust me, it will be worth it just be patient and enjoy the ride.".

A few minutes into the ride he stops by a gas station and fills his car's gas tank. Then walks into the store by the gas station to get drinks and some snacks.

He gets back into the car and settles the stuff into it. "I am sorry for the delay, I want to take you to the movie drive-in but I picked you up too early. So I wanted to let some time pass, so that we could show up when the movie starts." He gives his warm smile again.

" No, it's okay. I see you are only coming from a good place, I guess we should get to that movie." I smile back at him.

"Here, you must be thirsty, drink this." He opens the bottle for me and hands it to me. He is so kind-hearted even when it's not necessary. " Thank you" and so we start off.

As we are still on the road I start to feel drowsy and start losing my focus slowly. "I.. need.....to...get...out...am...so" I try to speak but I feel weaker as I speak.

" Don't worry trust me" He says and those are the last words I hear.

*******END OF FLASHBACK ******

And now here I am in the back of his car, in the middle of nowhere naked and with no memory of what happened last night. I was supposed to be home.

Where is my phone? I am losing it....am starting to hyperventilate, my anxiety starts to kick in and all I can think of is ...'I have to get out of here'.

I start crying....when I feel pain in between my legs, I know what happened to me last night but I don't want to think about it. Its...so...shameful.

I start gathering my clothes, that man starts to wake up...fear creeps into me. Why didn't I listen to Sam?

"Where are you going?" He said giving that same warm smile.

"What did you do to me?!" I shout and sob.

"Hey, hey relax...we ...are grown ups here we both know what happened. You seduced me and I just gave you what you wanted." He says again giving that warm smile, that I now see it clearly that hasn't even been a warm smile...its been a sadistic one and...I...fell for it.

"I...hate you! You are a devil and you will pay!" I scream.

"Relax, this is all your fault remember that...plus you didn't tell me you were a virgin but am glad I was your first it made this more special." He says.

" you are insane!" I scream.

"Well, then let's take you home." He says, but I wonder what he means until a feel a cloth touch my face and I lose all consciousness.

The next thing I know, I wake up in the hospital bed with Sam by my side.

"OMG! Doctor she is awake!" She runs out.

That's when I realize that I got raped and the guy that did it...is gone.

************THE END*********