Her Reality from Our Reality

Cassie's POV

I hear my alarm go off, which means I need to wake. "Ugh! Babe wake up." I shake him slightly, his so cute when his sleeping.

He doesn't answer me and I believe that's his way of ignoring. We had an argument yesterday but I can't believe his holding a grudge right now.

I go to the bathroom to freshen up, I showered quickly and got dressed. "Babe come on get up or will be late." I whine.

He gets up without even talking to me, well, somebody's is doing a great job at ignoring me. I sit down and get my make-up done. He gets out and dresses up. "Are you still not talking to me babe?" I whine and he still doesn't say a word.

"Argh! Fine, since you don't wanna talk I will also not talk to you." I say.

He walks out and forgets to get the car keys. His indirectly telling me to drive the car, why does he have to be difficult?

I get out of the house and get into the car. I look at the passenger's side and he just sits there ignoring me. I look away and start the car, I slowly reverse out of the driveway and make it into the main road.

Before the argument, we had made plans to go shopping for the Christmas presents for my family. He was going to meet my parents for the first time, I was really excited.

We got into the parking lot for the store and I found the perfect parking spot. I parked the car and was ready to get out, but I noticed he wasn't doing so.

"Babe, we made a deal come on let's get out." He gets out of the car and starts moving without me. Now, his getting on my nerves. I get out and try to catch-up to him.

We get into the store and the first thing I hear are screams. I don't pay attention to it cause obviously, it might be nothing.

We get into the first aisle, the lady and her daughter runaway, I wonder why they do 0that but when I look behind I see nothing. I pqjust brush it off, I scheming through the items in this aisle.

We were about to leave the aisle before I get pinned down by a security guard and two paramedics go to Michael's side.

"Hey! Let go of me what are you doing to my boyfriend, are you crazy?I will sue you!!!" I scream.

The security pin's me to the ground harder "Keep quiet, the police will get here soon and you will have explain why you came with a dead body " what he says shocks me, what does he mean dead body? and why is he putting handcuffs on me.

He pulls me up and I look in Michael's direction, I see him being put in a body bag.

"What are you doing!! You are killing him!!" I try to struggle out of the handcuffs but to no use.

"What are you talking about his brain dead since you came in" The security guard says.

As I watch the body bag being taken away, I try to make sense of what they were saying and I still don't get it.


Third Person's POV

Cassie was looking forward to seeing Michael today, she just got off a phone with her family. She told them about her relationship with Michael and she wanted her family to meet him.

He gets to her house in a rush, he also had a few things to say to her and he knew it would probably not make her happy.

He got to her door, he hesitated for a second but he just knocked. She opened the door immediately. When he got in, he was about to start talking but she beat him to it.

She told about meeting her family, but Michael felt pressured. He was actually on his way to break up with her, he didn't want to be with her anymore because she wasn't letting him breathe.

As she continued talking, so many thoughts ran through his mind. "Cassie! Shut up and let me think." He shouted.

She looked at him shocked and asked him why he would raise his voice at her. He then couldn't handle it anymore, he just wanted her out of his life. " I can't do this anymore....I don't want to be with you. This is over, you are way too clingy and I can't feel with this. I have only been seeing you for two weeks yet you act like it's been years. I can't deal with crazy, don't call or text EVER again!" He said and started walking out.

Cassie couldn't believe it, this wasn't the first time heard these complaints. All her ex's had said the same thing or something close to it. But she let all get away and she wasn't going to let another do the same.

She took the vase off her table and through it towards, whilst he was walking away. He landed face first on the floor. She checked outside her window if anyone had heard the noise but from the silence is seemed otherwise.

So she decides to drags his body upstairs into the bed not knowing that, the she was dragging him on broken glass. One of the pieces cut him, and the more she dragged it his body the more he kept bleeding.

She took his body upstairs to her room, put him on her bed and ignored the bleeding and said " look Babe, you are making a mess but don't worry I will clean it up for you." Kissed him on the cheek then left her room to clean up the blood.

Michael slowly regained consciousness and tried to get up but his body was weak. He couldn't even get the straighten to get up and out. He looked around and tried to look for a way to get out but Cassie came back into the room, giving him a loving smile but to him it looked scary.

"Don...t ..tou....Ch...me...you....craa..aa". He coughed up blood and felt a sharp pain on the left side of waist. With blood sipping out of his mouth, he continued "Wha..whaa.. did...you..do?(coughs)" he tries to crawl off the bed.

She slowly paces towards him " Don't worry, it was an accident. We can fix it, if you say that you will be with me forever." She smiles.

He looks at her and all he sees is the worst decision he could have a ever made, being in a relationship with a crazy woman. " No!(coughs) never(coughs)" he looks away from her and tries to use his little energy to fight her off.

"Big mistake" she said and walks at a fast pace towards him. He grabs pillow and throws it at her hoping it would be good enough to defend him, in his desperate state.

But she hits it to the side before it could hit her, then grabs a shirt from the floor and jumps on the bed. Wraps it around his neck and strangles him until he stopped struggling.

And with that Michael died, she then set him properly on the bed and cleaned him up. Cassie crawled up to him and put his arm around her so that she could be cuddled by him.

"Babe, you are so cold but don't worry I will keep you warm." She said and covered both of them with the blanket.

"Let's stay like this forever, Okay" she kisses him and sleeps.

******END OF FLASHBACK********

Third Person's POV

Cassie now realizes the whole time, she was imagining everything. He was dead and all that time she thought he was walking on his on or showering , she actually did everything.

She had dragged his body into the showers and dressed it. Then she dragged the body downstairs put in the car and got it out and dragged it into the store. The screams where from the horror that people saw.

The police came to collect her, she was charged for first degree murder but her lawyer managed to get her the plead for insanity.

She spent the rest of her days, in a mental hospital and still trying to put the pieces together which in turn drove her mad.

   *********THE END**********