The Doctor & His Wife

Xavier's POV

"I just finished my shift, want to have lunch?" I asked Jason.

"Sure, I have an operation at 2pm." he says and stands up. I leave him and start walking towards the cafeteria, cause I know he will catch up.

He manages to catch me before I get into the cafeteria." Aren't you supposed to be going home for your lunch?" He asks.

"Yeah but since I was in the night shift, she basically emphasized on coming to pick me up. Even though I also emphasized on taking a cab, she said no. I will just let my woman do what makes herself happy. Plus am too tired to fight" I sigh as get into the queue.

"Well, out of all the relationships I hear about in this hospital, the relationship you have with your wife beats them all. I just wish I would find that lucky lady. I hope  I can find a perfect wife like yours."He sighs loudly.

We get our food and walk towards a table, where two other doctors were seated. I decided to continue the conversation with Jason.

"My wife is not perfect, she has her own flaws. But I love her for all of that, so don't look for a perfect lady. Just look for someone who you would literally stick with through the easy and tough times."  I start eating my food.

The doctor seated next to me, whose name is Ryan,  continues the conversation. "Well Xavier, it seems like we now know the secret to hitting the lottery."

The other doctor, James, also decides to join the conversation. " I believe that even though you have a flawed wife, she is indeed perfect. If I had a woman like her I would just keep to myself, but in a less stalkish-obessesive manner."

I just smile and eat my food quietly. They continue having the conversation about my wife but I zone them out, cause this is not first time we are having this conversation.

Halfway through the meal, our phones started ringing simultaneously. We all answered them and started moving cause we  have come to understand the urgency of such situations.

I work close with the chief resident, so I wasn't surprised she was the one calling.  "Yes, Stacey?" I start running in the possible direction.

"SIR! IT'S YOUR WIFE!" As those words ring through my ears, lost all my composure and started running as fast as I could.

"Where is she?!" I ask as loud as I can,  hoping she would hear my clearly.

"She is in the operating room, doctor James is the one attending to her. Uhm...sir, they told me to explain the situation to you. I don't even know where to start."she says.

I could understand where she is coming, she also has a soft spot for my wife. If her loved one was in the same situation, it would probably be the same.

"You will tell me when I get to the waiting room, I am on my way." I cut the call and run towards the elevator.

I get to the waiting room and find Stacey waiting for me; the minute she looked at me, I could see the pity in her eyes. Since they were other families of patients, she walked out of the waiting room and took me by the seats outside the operating room.

We then took our seats and she began talking. "Sir, it was..." I stopped her.

"Just dumb it down please, I don't want to here any technical terms right now. " I give her a pleading look. The last thing I want is to be treated as a doctor in this situation, because I don't want to know how bad it is.

" Okay, your wife was found with a cracked skull...she was already bleeding heavily and the paramedics at the scene did the best they could to keep her stable, right now the doctors are doing their very best to help her. We do not know what caused the accident yet, but all we know is that your wife's car was involved in are crying."  She points out.

As she was saying all that; I looked her straight in the eyes, I didnt want to break down but how can I not. I couldn't control myself, I just let the tears flow.

"Stacey, please give me space I need to be alone." I exhaled heavily and sat down. I told her to stay home, I should have just fought with her. Why did I let her drive, I could have just taken a cab.

Being a doctor, I am always ready to tell patient's family the bad or good news. I never imagined that I would be the patient's family. I have been deceiving myself with idea of me being a doctor would put my family out of harm's way but look at me now... I...I honestly can't believe this.

Three hours pass by and I see James come out, why now?... I know all too well that three hours is little time to do a surgery especially one that involves mending a cracked skull.

He looks at me " I....I ... tried....I really did. I am so sorry Xavier, she was bleeding too much and ...there was...another problem the paramedics didn't identify and I was already 2hrs in. It wasn't showing but she was also bleeding internally.... because of that she died. "

I was frozen, my whole world just shattered and I have no idea what to do or say to him. I can't believe this, the day I choose to listen to her...she . ..dies.


And that's how the Doctor lost his Wife.

              *****THE END*****