If Romeo & Juliet had a +1

Annie's POV

"Annie, Dario and Alexander are fighting again." My little brother says in a sarcastic tone.

Why do they have to do this now? Especially Alexander, I told him to just ignore Dario and his stupid comments. Now here we are with round infinity of this stupid situation.

I invited Alexander to meet my family today but I wonder how Dario got an invite. This is too much, it has to stop now but this is not the first time I am saying this.

I run out of the kitchen, where I was helping my mother prepare food. It's Thanksgiving for crying out loud, and every family member from both sides of my family is here. They just had to embarrass me.

I get to the garden and it seems like my family is being entertained by the situation beforehand. I look at the situation and all I feel is shame; I see Dario on top of Alexander and Alexander trying to get Dario off him.

I rush there and try to pull them apart, since my family members seem not to care enough to not rip them off each other.

I get in between them and they slowly the let each other go. They were both standing tall, giving each other looks that could kill.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO?!" Breathing heavily, frustrated from trying to pull them apart.

"HE STARTED!" The both say, as if they practiced it.

"YOU FREAKING IDIOTS, DON'T YOU REALIZE YOU ARE EMBARRASSING ME INFRONT OF MY FAMILY!" I look at both of them back and forth, with the same death glare they were giving each other earlier.

I look at Alexander and his eyes had softened, as if he came to the realization of what he just did. "Love, I am sorry...he just knows how to get on my nerves" he comes closer to me and pulls me towards him.

"I know you are, but you promised me something else and that's why am angry." I looked at him with sadness filled in my eyes.

He slowly take both of my hands and takes them in his, he looks straight into my eyes "Annie, I am so sorry.". I believe him but now there is the issue of Dario being here.

I turn around and look at Dario, "What in the world are you doing here?" I give him a hard look.

"I came because I was invited, and then you stupid boyfriend comes over to pin me down and start a fight!" He excalms.

"Who invited you?" I give him a confused look. Why would anyone invite him, everyone knows that Dario is not on good terms with me.

"It was me." I look in the direction of the voice, which I know so well.

"Mother! Why would you do that? Are you insane...you know what this thing is capable of!" I look at Dario, who seems to be smiling his head off.

"I don't know what you are talking about. From what I had told you, I wanted you to marry Dario not this Alexander fellow. He comes from a family that is not in the same standards as ours." She gives Alexander a disgusted look.

It is true about Alexander not coming from a well to do family but honestly I love this man because he gives me more joy than anyone in this place combined. And if she is worried about money, my job and his combined make a stable income.

"Mother! What in the hell, all class aside, Dario is a scary man because of the power he has. I would hate be with him, his only quality is being rich. And he knows exactly what he did to me." tears start pouring.

"The rest of you, go inside apart from my daughter and the two men. I will sort this out." Mother commands, everyone listens to her and they rush inside.

"All I want is a happy life; I don't want to marry a man, who was once married to my sister and killed her then got away with her death. They said it was self-defence but we all know it wasn't and the fact that you want me to marry him is even more digusting." I look at her with pleading eyes.

Her eyes soften, "Honey, am sorry but you just have to. Alexander, this is a family event please leave us."

"I won't, I can't....I...made a promise to her sister..that no matter what this man says or does, I should stand my ground when it comes to loving Annie." He says without an ounce of fear.

"Please Alexander, leave!" She cries out.

My tears stop the minute, I hear her crying. It makes me realize she is only doing this because Dario is holding something against her.

"Well, Mrs Rodriguez, it seems that no one wants to do what I ask..." His cut off by my Mother.

"No, no ..please Dario...they will do it " she pleads and gets on her knees.

"Nope, it's fine. I gave this occasion a chance and it already seemed people had alot of spiteful things to say." He stops and looks at me.

" I don't see a future here, I shall leave now. Goodbye " he walks out.

I sigh in relief, I guess his not such a nuisance. He knows when his not wanted.

Dario's POV

I walk out through the garden gate and get to my car. My driver opens the door for me and I get into the backseat, he then closes the door behind me.

"Kill all of them, not even an ounce of life should exist in that house. If you want kill them slowly but just get rid of all of them." I tell my men and they immediately get out of the car.

I watch them as they get through the garden gate, I smile in delight for what I know is to become of them all. I told her not to cross me, just like I had told her sister but it seems that stubbornness runs in the family. Their mother didn't listen to my warnings so obviously, I can live my life in peace knowing that they are no longer a nuisance.

I watch my men come back, after what seemed like five minutes. They get in the car and one of them looks at me "Sir, it is done."

I smile at his words "Well then, Driver take us home." and with that my troubling love life comes to a halt for now, until I find the one.

    *********THE END********