They Missed the Carriage

She cries, thinking is it me or him. All she ever dreamt about was having a family but her dream is incomplete.

Trip after trip to the best doctors, money could find but they were told the same things ' I am sorry but the only solution is the IVF treatment'. She thinks to herself ' 'don't you think I am not trying that already'.

Other doctors say they are both the problem, his sperm count too low and her eggs are not enough. Some say her uterus is the problem.

She just broke down thinking, ' I already had two miscarriages, how can all this bullshit treatment not work.'.

All she wanted was to hide and not be seen, but she was too visible. Her mother-in-law made sure of that, whilst her mother tried her best to comfort her.

He on the other hand felt ashamed, that he did not have a healthy sperm count. He thought about all those times his friends told him to go to the hospital to just check their counts for fun but he said no, his was too healthy, he said with a smirk.But where is that smirk now? He can't have kids and his wife is in the same boat as him.

He felt ashamed he couldn't comfort his wife and his mother was no help. He knew the distaste his mother had for his wife, and she made sure to never hide it. His mother reminded his wife, how as a woman she lacked in that one quality.

He knew it wasn't her fault but he didn't know how to say that, without sounding worthless. He knew the cards they had been dealt with but he encouraged her to go to doctor after doctor.

And now, on this day, they came into terms with their fate. They agreed to see one last doctor and she talked to them, thoroughly without leaving out any detail. And with the doctors last words 'I am so sorry but no matter what procedure you undergo, you can't have kids.'.

At that moment they looked at eachother, thanked the doctor and left the building. They got in the car and drove in silence. When they got home; She rushed into house, he followed suite scared she might try something.

She entered the bathroom and baller her eyes out. He tried to open the bathroom door but it was sealed tight, "I don't care if we can't have kids, adoption is always an option. Please come out and we can go through this together. Having kids is not a way to prove your worth, you are more than a baby maker. Please know that!" He screamed through the door, hoping she heard him.

And she did hear everything but being locked by her mother-in-law kept ringing in her head. "Okay, I hear but just give me some room. I just need to breathe for a few minutes." She said and turned on the water in the bathtub.

He listened to her hoping his words got her and she would by fine the minute, she would walk out of the bathroom. So he left, walked out of their bedroom to make a snack hoping it would be the small thing that cheers her up.

He makes the snacks and waits, whilst scrolling through his social media feed. He sees an hour passes and decides to check on his wife.

He gets to the room and the water is still running. He knocks but she doesn't answer, then he realizes what he prays is not true. His wife wouldn't be stupid enough to do something of that manner. This is a a minor issue they can fix, together, as a pair.

He breaks down the door as fast as he can, what he sees proves that his wife is stupid enough to commit suicide.

The tub that she was laying in was filled with blood and water. Her lifeless body, slowly submerging into the tub.

He was in such disbelief about the situation that he didn't know whether to cry or be angry. He knew they missed the carriage to having a child but this....this was not an answer.

*******THE END*****