Chapter 30: Too Much Information

It was 4:30 am when the practice ended.

Making myself comfortable on one of the mattresses at the room extreme, a very quiet and isolated corner where no eyes will see me.

I feel like holding up till break light but as nature will have it I succumb to the cool early morning breeze.


"Becky leave me alone ".....I stretch in my sleep as I feel a warm hand touching my hand and calling out my name.

"Please wake up it's morning already,  we need to start preparing"...the voice echoed in my ear. Unable to figure out where I was I grumble loudly.

"ohhhhhhhhhhhh... Becky if you touch me again... I'mma bite your hand.".....I grouch grabbing the supposed hand and tapping me.

"Hmmmm...seems the Alien Angel is such a super girl even in her sleep"....the voice echoed again and this time I abruptly sat up creasing my brows and without realizing where I was, I  groggily utter another word.

" You are so annoying, Becky"...I said rubbing my eyelids and squinting around trying to get my bearings, I yawn loudly as my eyes settle into the environment and it's dawn on me that I was not in my bedroom as my face came faced up with Hoseok.

My eyes widened in shock coupled with embarrassment as I sprang face-palmed as my ears were filled with his chortles.

"The last bathroom hot tape is working, we need to leave early"..... he said taking his leave.

Immediately he left, I pinched my skin, shutting my eyes tight trying to hide my embarrassed face.

Crawling out of my bed, I grabbed my bag which I kept close to my bedside bringing out my phone to check the time at 7:22 am. My eyes became bigger as I grabbed the bag hurriedly to the bathroom.

I stomped my way to the bathroom, there was a bathtub and I have this urge to fill it up but changed my mind on a second thought " This is probably a student's public bathroom" I muttered taking the bucket inside to mix my warm water, I rather bath from here than dipping myself inside that tub.

After bathing and dripping myself dried with my small towel, I clad myself straight in my high waist jean trousers I brought along with me and a floral pinky cropped top with black heeled footwear.

I went to the wall mirror to apply some finishing touchings on my face, restyling my long braided hair.

Staring at myself in the mirror as I walk around admiring my beauty.

"Am I set to go? I asked nobody in particular before heading to the exit door.

The students gathered as the make-up Artists did their work on them and without saying much I walked outside to see the small gathering happening.

"Since the school bus can not be trusted we need to split the students into those mini buses to convey".... came Mr Ham-Hyuk said pointing in the direction of the two buses.

Curiously about what is happening, I rush towards Jimin to get a clue of what is happening as if sensing my presence he speaks.

"Bella you have to ride with Hoseok Hyung, I and the students will take the minibus to the venue and Mr. Ham-Hyuk will ride the remaining students okay".

I nodded in response since we don't have much time so no need for questions. Even though I don't know how to face Hoseok cause I was still embarrassed about what happened earlier this morning but I have no choice.

I stood there for what felt like an hour before I hear the cracking sound of the door opening and shortly after the students moved in groups inside the bus all stylishly dressed.

Slowly a smile curved on my lips as I wave at them before dragging myself to Hoseok's car.

Seeing Hoseok in the driver's seat gives me butterflies.

"Why does he even look more handsome and cooler each passing day? I mumbled as I climbed into the front seat. I feel nervous,  clenching my fist and biting my lips just to stay focused.

"Please put on your seat belt." He speaks in a soft voice.

Soon we hit the road, silence reigning between us until I remember someone.

"Are we leaving Namjoon behind?"'I said in a bare whisper even though I know he heard me.

"He left early this morning." Came his reply.

"Why? I thought he is attending the competition with us. I asked focusing my gaze on him.

"No. He came to see someone but unfortunately, the person was too busy to notice his presence, but don't worry he left for his art exhibition.

"I don't understand," I said and I was serious because of the confusion displayed on my face.

" Don't worry Bella you will understand one day, but for now it will only be too much information." He chuckled.

It took a moment for his words to sink in and when they did, I was fuming with anger.

He inhales sharply then adopts a softer voice.

"Who is Becky." He asked and I can see curiosity burning in his eyes.

I rose my eyes on him with my face hardened.  As much as I try to smile, I couldn't believe him, why should he bring up such an embarrassing moment with a straight face? He narrowed his gaze on me but sharply return it on the road.

I looked at him for a while as if deciding what to say.

"Becky is my older sister," I said turning my gaze away and looking at the windscreen.

A thousand questions flooded my mind, things I want to ask him but I know this wasn't the right time I decided to ask at least this particular one that got me thinking.

"Hoseok why do you address me as an Alien Angel to Namjoon? I asked hopefully thinking that my question will be coming up roses but he was choosy with his answer.

"Like I said right now it will only be too much information."

I just sit there staring at him like a long-lost sheep. This is the only question I was desperate for an answer yet he makes me feel like every time I got answers only opens more questions.

Now he left me confused and upset.

We arrived at the venue and Hoseok pull over to pack the car, bring out a black cotton face mask and put it on his face, and handed one to me.

I stare at him in confusion and instead of saying anything, he leaned closer and put it on me.

I was shocked and my heart raced.

He stretched his hand in his car pigeonhole and bring out two brand face caps, unisex to be precise, and handed one to me which I accept and put on. Still confused about why we are doing this.

"Wear this." He again hands me a thick brown overcoat and when I tried to ask him why, he shush me up by placing his finger on his lip.

"I will explain later. " He assured me and I nodded still in confusion

He stepped down running round the car to open the front door for me. I beamed with a smile as I gorgeously step down the car giving him a slight bow as a sign of appreciation, yes this is one of the basic things I learn in Korea.

The competition had already kicked off before we arrived and we hurry to take a seat near our group.

Walking hand in hand with him makes me happy and a bit nervous and now we are going to seat together. I inhale sharply as I took my sit just before he did.

A/N: Just a gentle reminder to you all that this piece of work is 100% fanfiction and does not represent the character's real personalities.

Thank you all for being my strength and energy all this while.

I don't know if I will do this but here we are, you and me meeting again in this chapter.  Seriously I couldn't ask for more but your LIKES, STARS, VOTE, and COMMENTS keep me going.

Only you and you alone can fuel this work please be my light at the end of this tunnel.