Chapter 31: Flawless Victory

The competition had already begun when we arrived. I took my seat at the center in between Jimin and Hoseok and looked up straight with much anticipation at the performance going on on the stage. I watched silently as the archers aim their target and four out of the ten archers swept the victory by scoring 10 points at a goal which brought loud cheers from the crowd.

I know once the archers finish an introductory ballet dance will follow just to ginger the crowd of what is about to happen next. But this time I was wrong cause it was a skater who displayed amazing flawless dance moves. It was such a sizzling stunt that got the crowd on their feet, a standing ovation I guess.

The cheers and applause fill the air and it took some minutes before it subside. Once the noise die down and the Skater had left the stage, the announcer's voice boomed through the speakers.

"Ladies and Gentlemen it is an honour to welcome you all again to our final Competition. Everything has been such a bop and I am happy to welcome the final round of this Competition.....huhuuuuuuuuuu ....he roars from the speaker.... give it all to the amiable dancers who are competing for one thing the 'GOLD AWARD"...

His statement brought such applause and I watched in admiration as the first half kicked off with the ', RB2 CREW and RANGERS CREW taking up the stage.

I clenched my fist together cause it looks like this is not a battle for the weak.

A whirlwind of emotions was wrapping me up and I was sweating.

"Relax Bella... it's just a competition Hoseok said and I nodded in response still clenching my teeth.

It was Half time with the Kantel Crew winning with 20.1 leaving the Galaxy Crew with 19.9 points only. People clapped when the first half ended but my mind was no longer there.

Immediately,  the students gathered in an embrace and some words of encouragement from Jimin and Hoseok because the final round is kicking off. They agreed to deliver the new choreography last.

The final round kicked off with the"WESP CREW and the USG CREW taking the lead this time.

Immediately the dance kicked up the second time, my nervousness disappeared and I watched in anticipation with hope upon hope that my team will deliver and get back the goal.

I raised my gaze on Jimin and the smile on his lips soothe my heart.

Soon the dance came to an end with the GALAXY CREW doing their last round of the competition there was applause and cheers as the group twist their hips as they do during practice.

Spraying their hands and dropping flawlessly on the floor, rising with much energetic speed and upwardly twisting their hips thrust upwards in synchronized moves and with a beautiful smile displayed on their lips.

These last moves bought about a whole lot of cheers, it was as if the crowd wasn't expecting such a performance and it earned them a standing Ovation.

I beamed with smiles, I looked at Hoseok only to be welcomed with such a cute smile parting his lips.

"That was an awesome performance"...I uttered drifting my gaze to Jimin who also seems impressed by our team's performance.

The dance has ended now we are waiting for the result to be announced.

Immediately one of the judge's voices boom through the speakers, my heart skipped a bit and I grabbed on someone's fabric closing my eyes just to snap out of the nervousness waving around me. I inhale deeply, opening my eyes, I found him staring sorely at me and I realize I was grabbing onto his cloth all this while.

"You look more nervous than the dancers themselves." He said

"As I should." I sigh before calling out to him. 'Hoseok!! what will happen if we didn't get the gold?".

He closed his eyes as a small curvy smile show on his lips, taking out a heavy sigh he leaned closer to my ear and whisper something audible.

"Not that this will be the last competition, so even if we didn't make it to the TOP 1 now, then we will work hard for the TOP 1 next time."

I was expecting something annoying from him but no cause his voice speak encouragement and never gave up.

I respond with a smile focusing solely on the judges as he announced the Top 5.

"That was such a rival...he said.

CONGRATULATIONS to all the teams who made it to the Top 10.

It is such an honor to have multi-talented people challenging themselves and I can say this competition is truly a talent show cause each Team present here seriously have something unique about them.

They all work hard and I must applaud that but you all know in every class there is always the number one. So I say it's such an honor given to me by the TVVNT CREW to announce the overall best who did not only win this gold Award but delivered a flawless choreography.

So ladies and gentlemen our new National Dance Champion"..he stopped in his speech and everyone went quiet.

The air left my lungs and I grabbed the two men sitting side by side, my heart fluttered and many thoughts wandered in my mind until the judge's voice snapped me out of it and I gape.

I looked up at Hoseok, trapping my lips and gradually releasing my grip on his cloth. He gently ran his fingers through his hair before letting a small smile creep out of his lips.

"Our new National Dance Champion for the year is the GALAXY CREW..they win this competition by peaking with 25.7 points on their last choreography leaving the KANTEL CREW with 22.9 points as the Second position.

There was such uproar in the crowd, cheers as the Dancers and their Teacher Jimin walk up the stage to receive their Golden Award and Hoseok couldn't join cause he was the secret weapon to this flawless victory.

I jumped to my feet, screaming my heart out.

It was such a breathtaking scene. Praises were coming from different corners. Mr. Ham-Hyuk was not left out cause looking at him, it seems his lips want to tear off from his smile, and his heart thump thump in happiness.

Jubilation fill the air immediately after the students gathered after taking a group picture with the judges and their fellow competitors from different Crews. Mr. Ham-Hyuk gave Hoseok a big heart warmth hug.

They locked in the embracement not less than a minute that when they partnered Mr Ham-Hyuk have to clean his eyes. It seems he was already tearing up. As if that was not enough he wrapped up Jimin again in his hug and the students gathered around the two in a warm hug.

"CONGRATULATIONS...I said to Hoseok bringing out my hands for a handshake which he returned with a smile.

"Let's have a small party to celebrate this victory; Bills on me."/Mr. Ham-Hyuk suggested to us but was cut off by Hoseok.

"That will be nice...and also it will help to cheer the students up to work harder next."

They all agreed to a small party hangout in an eat-out store since the students were underage alcohol was prohibited.

We were about to move to our respective cars when Hoseok's phone rang. From the look on his face, I can see he won't be coming with us and I felt a little bad.

When he ended the calls, he stayed still for a few seconds, with his back on us, and then turn.

"I'm very sorry I have to go, something came up that needs my attention."

Mr Ham-Hyuk gave him a nodding response waving him off with a bow and the students round him up once again for a lovely group hug.

Another group photo was taken, thumbing up for every one of them, he bows and exit us.

I looked behind me watching him enter his car and drove off. There was a pain in my heart and I don't know why I feel like this.

I turned around only to meet Jimin standing behind me, he flash me a smile and my eyes went from being sad to lighting up. We walk in silence to the car.

"His job ends here." His voice came out as a whisper and I nodded in response. I already know but I don't know why I feel bad about his leaving.