Chapter 33: Embracing my new beginning

It has been a month since I saw Hoseok and a week now since I saw Jimin.

The school is on its summer break which began last week which is the last time I and Jimin talk.

But standing in front of this big building makes me nervous.

Walking inside the building we were welcomed with a melodious thrumming sounds which filled the building.

There were too many people in the building so I guess it must be a famous know place. The more reasons Hoseok choose this place.

"Discover the hidden vocal in you" was boldly written on the wall.

"Dance is an Art which everyone was born with".

"Make a change to the World with your Dance".

"Dance lives in every chore of our life".

"Take the World by Storm by discovery your dance Potential".

"Music is us we are music".

"If we can't meet them, let our voice meet them".

"Let my voice soothe your pain".

"Let my music be your healing therapy".

"We don't make songs rather we cook music".

"Forget the beat, let's talk about the lyrics".

"Get the message behind that voice".

All this was boldly inscribed on the wall.

By the side of the rooms were Guitars, Violins, Trumpets, Pianos, Flutes, and different musical instruments all neatly arranged and some people were making use of them, Trainees I guess. Also, a group of people may be dancers because from their looks they are sweating a whole lot.

I followed Becky inside what looked like an office.

A man was sitting on one of the chaise longue.

He was a middle-aged man who could probably be in his early forties.

Becky greeted him in Hangul which he respond by offering us a seat.

Once we seat down my eyes started their work by squinting around but were taped back by Becky.

"So what inspires you to enroll as a trainee in our center? The man asked, leaning backward and supporting his chin with his hand.

I was taken slightly aback by his question, swirling my eyes and trying to get my thoughts into some semblance of order. I wonder why he asked me that question.

What else will make someone enroll in a training center or a training school if not to train and master your voice as well as to have a melodious voice?

"Well, I began"... clearing my throat.

"They say we never know what is underneath us until we give it a try.

Maybe there is another chapter of my life that requires my voice as the master key before it opens.

"Maybe an opportunity can come out anytime, any soon that may require a voice and I don't want to be found lacking in any angle.

"And how good can you dance"...he asked again raising his left hand which was holding a piece of paper.

"Argghhhhhhhh".This is so frustrating. Seriously I didn't sign up for this cross-question not that I'm enrolling as to be a trainee or whatever. I just want to fulfill all righteousness of not being known as a clumsy girl.

I'm a degree holder, I got a well-paying job and I'm living fine, all these questions weren't necessary just give me the form and let me get going.

I exhale, as I feel my adrenaline boiling up, I don't know why I was hellbent on paying back Hoseok I should have rejected it beforehand. I shouldn't even have tangled with their affairs. Everything started when I accept that lunch.

"Bitch... it's all your fault. If you did not refuse to bring my lunch, I wouldn't have accepted a stranger's kind gesture." I muttered an annoying glance at Becky.

Is not her fault though but someone needs to take the blame.

"Bella can't dance but she always excels in anything she put her mind into." Came Becky's reply as if she was reading my thoughts.

"Well, Bella... I'm glad you decide to discover that hidden talent, and you choose music and its genres; You are already living your dream at a younger age and you also choose to add something more positive to the already achieved goals, that's great and welcome. Here, fill this form; he said handing me a form.

I couldn't be more grateful, this man here just praises my fvcking ass and acknowledge my hard work. Smile beamed on my face and I took the form immediately to fill it.

"Can you accompany me to Heechul studio? Becky asked immediately after we left the training center.

It was as if she is just waiting for a day to shove Heechul down my throat and it seems today is the day.

I nodded in response and I can see the smiles that settles on her face.


Heechul was sitting comfortably on the four-legged roller's chair with his large screen displayed in his comfort.

He had his headphone on and his two hands were busy surfing and typing the keyboard and dragging the mouse along different angles. He gave us big beautiful smiles the moment she saw Becky entering.

"Hey, beauties." He waved at us immediately after we entered his studio.

"What's up Chul." Came Becky's voice and the duo wrapped themselves in a tight hug.

My eyes widened immediately after Becky mention that name. 'Chul? What?  What in the name of a weird nerdy name is that? I made a face.

"Hey!! Heechul... I greet him with a poker face ignoring their lovey duvey and continue looking through his studio arrangements.

Everything seems the way it was just an arrival of a new bigger screen and some nerdy recording equipment not much classy.

"So Bella how are you preparing for your soon to begin class? Heechul voice echoed in my ears and I stopped at my track as soon as he asked me that question.

How did he know my training enrollment?  Crap;  The blabber mouth Becky. Scratching my head, I throw an angry glance at Becky who warned me with her eyes piercing within me like she is warning me to choose my words and I swallow hard clenching my fist.

"Well...."I stuttered unable to answer when Becky's voice came through.

"I think she is excited to attend".. Becky said and everywhere become as silent as a graveyard.

"I'm glad to hear that.. this will help you explore the Country more, advancing your knowledge in your area of specialization" face was about to curve in a smile at least the nerdy is saying something nicer until he spoil the whole talk by asking.

"How is your boyfriend? I lost it.

I was angry, so angry I just want to pull off Becky's hair.

"Boyfriend? I chuckled nervously.

I don't know why I wasn't quick to shush him up immediately. I try to control my feelings.

Why did I have this feeling he is trying to get on my nerves? Ever since I moved to Korea and notice Heechul is Becky's lover, he assumed the role of an older brother always trying to control my movement in the country.

Did Becky tell him we don't have an elder brother and he immediately assume the role?

I remember having a quick beef with him and I told him never in his life to meddle in my affairs.

Yes, that was the day I got back home very late after a long hangover with Yejin, she was attending a friend's party and she invited me along with her. As a Korean newbie who doesn't know her left and right, we returned late after numerous phone calls from Becky and Heechul.

I understand Becky's anger cause neither Yejin nor I told her we going to a party so she was scared. But Heechul scolding me for coming back late was out of it.

I think he overstep his boundaries and I yelled at him that night to never in his life question my decisions.

"You can do that to your Becky because she chooses you to, don't bring such nonsense to me," I screamed direct to his hearing.

Since that day I hate his gut, even though he had apologized,  well I need to put him in his place so I always avoid him like plaque.

But this time it seems he had got some nerves.

I bite my lips trying so hard to suppress the urge to shove him off with my answers with a frown on my face I blurt out.

"Whatever Becky told you about my friends accept it that way and if you want to know more, your blabbermouth will still tell you more." I mouthed.

"Bella..."I can hear Becky's voice calling out to me.

"Bitch....."I cursed silently.

"Do you hate me this much Bella that you always find fault in whatever I do or say?" He raised his head and his eyes meet mine.

Now he succeeds in making me feel guilty, I avert my gaze only to be met with Becky's tearily face and I inhale deeply.

I am not going to let this happen. I shouldn't have said that, that's so stupid of me....." I battled within myself.

I don't know why but I was angry at myself.

I admit Heechul is a cool and handsome lovely guy and he has been a great help to Becky ever since she moved here but I don't know why? why do I keep hating on him?

Becky couldn't contain her feelings from the way Bella respond to Heechul. He felt it was insolence for Bella to speak that way to her friend. She has this urge to rush and slap her across the face but she managed to shrug out of that thought.

She knows very well that if she used this same way to treat her newfound friend whom she has never met that Bella won't like it.

Becky stared blankly at Bella, her face void of any emotions. she was contemplating what to say or do.

There was silence everywhere for what felt like an hour until Bella speak.

"I'm sorry Heechul..."Sorry that my emotions always get the best of me..." and it hurt your feelings...." maybe I need to work on it"...she managed to say and Becky inhale deeply still stunned about what to do next.

She was annoyed and happy at the same time.

"It's alright!...." Heechul said this time with a chortle.

I was so stunned that I was rendered speechless. 'Is this guy for real? only is alright; I can't relate though. shrugging my shoulders and looking back at Becky who gives me a nod with what looks like a smile maybe she is going to kill me later.