Chapter 34: A new chapter with an old me

DISCLAIMER: Every Media used in this work did not belong to me.

© Credit to the ® owners.

The following day I started my training. Since I don't understand Hangul, so I don't know what is going on. I walked up to the large piano running my hands through the keys, I trailed off closing my eyes and giving out a sharp sigh. The environment is serene and I can feel joy building in my heart.

Soon I heard my name as our training master gives out each of us instructions.

Our first class is the vocals class before the dance class.

The class will be each of us going up to the stage to sing any song of our choice. I feel butterflies in my stomach and sweat all over my palms as he said that.

The other trainees didn't look panic as I was and I must say maybe they are ready for the task.

The girl sitting beside me was a very pretty soul, she has these princess-style bangs and she could pass as a human doll, Barbie I guess.

She was the 4th person to perform, so throughout the performance, I was looking at how each and everyone's facial expression were influenced by the different lyrics and the emotions attached to the song.

Some got the natural sweet voice but need a little training while some need to start from the trenches to know which pitch is suitable for their voice.

Soon it was my turn, I swallow the lump in my throat immediately my name was called everything feel so surreal as I climb the stage.

My hands trembling as I grabbed the mic. I was fighting within me, everyone present here is unique and I hope to flow along with them. Clearing my throat and bringing the mic closer to my lips, I began to sing.

"It's so odd. I loved you so much for sure.

I adapted myself entirely to you. I wanted to live for you.

But as I kept doing so, I became unable to bear the storm inside my heart.

I got to fully reveal my true self under a smiling mask.

I'm the one I should love in this world.

The shining me, the precious soul of mine.

I realize only now, that I love me.

Even if it's a little lacking, it's so beautiful.

I'm the one I should love

Even if I'm shaking and afraid, I will walk on forward". EPIPHANY BY JIN OF BTS (ENG LYRICS).

I closed my eyes as I felt my nervousness disappear, allowing the song to take over me, I love singing this song so much, something about this song inspired me about self-love, this song makes me understand that my happiness is in my hands that trying to prove my worth only destroys it, and the artist has this soothing voice that when he converges the message behind the lyrics you will only end up falling and falling in love again with the song.

Opening my eyes, I found the director staring directly at me with another guy standing by his side, a white pair of black air-pod on his left ear.

His bone-white long hair was neatly combed and styled making him look like the protagonist in America Hollywood.

Taking a deep breath I strode down to take my seat.

"Your voice is nice"... came the Barbie princess immediately after I took my seat.

I nodded my head in response to her.

"By the way my name is Daisy and I am a citizen of North America and an Accountant in the Seoul Banking department...she offered a handshake which I respond immediately.

"Bella short of Isabella I'm mixed race and an English/Literature teacher at Seoul High School....her eyes widened slightly at my words, but she nods nonetheless.

"Woow!!! I can't believe you're a functioning member of society she said and I let out a wail.

What does she mean by that, my face settles in a scowl and I clenched my fist and I shoot her a strong glare waiting for her comeback.

"So how do I look? like a stripper? I asked with my threatening glare fixed on her.

"No!! Come on, that's not what I mean. Just saying you look too young to be a graduate not to mention a teacher in high school. Your body stature is deceiving you know."

"Shut the fuck up bitch"...I cussed inside me. "You already looked down on my status the fuck are you trying to say to me now to stay relevant?

"Are you angry? She narrowed her gaze at me.

I was surprised again at her question. Did she read my mind? Because right now I'm mad at her. I looked at her from head to toe. I'm not in the mood, to be honest.

"No, I am not"...I answered slowly.

"Y'all did a perfect presentation here "... our trainer Gykuk's voice snapped us out of our discussion.

"But I must say this, some of you don't know or understand the power of your voice, some of you underestimate the uniqueness of your voice so when you sing, you sing for singing sake, no emotions, no message passed out.

Okay to keep this going we gonna group y'all according to your pitch to enable you to master your voice and run along when singing with the others.

After grouping us into four different groups, where each of us will do personal voice training using the keyboard.

Thank goodness a keyboardist was available to play the keys for us.

Once we were done, we did a choreography of the iconic "Korean Artists BigBang one of their iconic song"BangBang.

It was my first ever trying group choreography and to be honest, my body wasn't accepting it.

Tons of mistakes keep following me but I refused to be discouraged. "It's my first time" I encourage myself.

"That's fantastic!" Daisy exclaimed immediately after we took a rest.

"So tell me why you choose to do this even though you got a good-paying job?"... Daisy asked sitting beside me.

"Gosh!!!!!... this girl like getting on my nerves with her talk.

Can she allow me to rest for a second; all my body ache. Yeah! You can call me anti-social Bella, I won't get mad, but right now I needed time for myself.

"Any problem?" I rose my eyes at her and she frown. I can see the anger burning in her but who cares.

"Nay... Just asking." She faked a smile.

Twisting my neck. I shrugged nonchalantly, standing up and walking past her.

"Want some coffee? I asked amidst scoffs.

Don't blame me because I too am surprised at my behavior.

Her mouth clamped shut, and for a moment was expecting her to swear or cuss at me or maybe leave after seeing how uninterested I was in her discussion but she nods which came as a surprise to me.

I offered her a vanilla latte and we take our seats.

"Sorry if my last question sounds rude".. Daisy voiced out.

Trapping my lips between my teeth I chuckled at her words. She seriously wants to know some pretty details about me so I decided to turn the table in my favour.

"Daisy," I called out softly as if I want to interrogate her.

"Why do you choose Korea even though you will still get a good-paying job in your country?".

"Well...I choose Korea because I want to enjoy and explore the world and my reason for taking up this practice is I'm preparing for 'The America Got Talent show" so I need to expand my knowledge in music and dance more to deliver flawless." she rattled on and on as if she is reading out a poem.

"But there are different training centers in North America.? I question.

"Yeah; I know. Just that I have already started work like a year before deciding to try out my luck in the show." She said with a grimace.

"Plan B I guess." I chipped in and we both chuckle.

"So what about you.? I know she seriously not going to let go.

"Nothing serious; Just want to enjoy life, explore the World at large".

"And dancing? Don't tell is also part of your Plan B? She cut me off with her eyebrows furrowing and a smile displayed on her lips.

I smiled at her statement. I bet you don't wanna miss the intriguing story of my being here, I thought sipping my coffee with my gaze not leaving her.

"Nothing serious just want to expand my knowledge in music who knows what tomorrow might bring," I said and she nodded.

"I know this is gonna rude but I'mma ask you anyways. Do you got a boyfriend.? She asked nervously her eyes widened her voice sounded awkward and I couldn't help but chortle.

"Nah... I just need a quiet life with no bugging, Relationships can be tiring sometimes.? I scoff.

"So can I call you Miss Anti-romantic Pro Max?"

"Sounds like a plan," I replied and we both chuckle.

We were enjoying our latte drink when a voice snapped us out of our discussion.

"Vocal training about to start"... that is our master Gykuk voice and the two of us gulped down our drink in one goal and hurry to join the others.