CHAPTERS 46: A cat Mouse relationship

"Here, that's brand new checked pajamas; let me prepare the bathtub for you."

Hoseok said handing to her a wrapped parcel that contains his unused clothes. Before she could open her mouth, he already left her to the bathroom.

Her eyes fluttered in surprise and at the same time beaming with a smile as she carefully unwrapped the parcel. It was lemon-colored checked pajamas.

"Wow this is amazing," she says, a small smile displaying at the edges of her lips.

"The water is ready" He uttered, picking up a few things and excusing the room.

She went straight to the bathroom to take her bath. The water was warm and comfortable on her skin and as she slide inside the tub, her mind drift to when he met him. His gentle care he gave to her, his offer to be one of the dance supervisors, his advice to her to enroll in a training school, and her silly mistakes " She paused as she remembered her most embarrassing moment at the school.

She shut her eyes tightly, hitting the water as if she is trying to avoid such a moment again.

When she finished her bath, she dried herself with the towel and clad herself in the pajamas.

"What" she screamed, when she noticed the pajamas is bigger than her. She walked straight to the dressing mirror and began styling her hair for the night. She was checking on how she looked in the oversized pajamas she is wearing.

"Ashiiiii!!! How can this not fit me, am I that small? she mumbled, adjusting the pajamas while a knock came and the door knot swing open and Hoseok comes in immediately a stand up from the chair.

Hoseok sniggered at the sight of her on his clothes.

"Don't laugh." She pouted

"Are we sleeping together on the same bed? she raised an eyebrow at him.

"Sure; why not, where do you want me to sleep ? he said walking past her and laying on the bed.

"Sleeping in the same room with me is a bad idea. First; I'm the type of person who cannot bear cold, I cannot sleep well if I feel cold and I cuddle anything while sleeping, I sleep-walk and sometimes scream in my sleep, won't those be a scary sight to behold, aren't you afraid?

The next moment he sit up on the bed, and carefully he walked up to her, with his hands folded backward. He leaned closer to her face and whisper in her ear.

"As if you are not scary when you are awake" he countered and Bella could only bite her lips.

"Yahhhhh" she scream hitting him playfully on his back, and he chortled.

"Don't worry I have full control of myself, I don't do anything without permission and I always make sure nobody gets hurt by my actions" he replied with a smirk.

Bella swallowed. " I don't understand what you...." she paused, trying to think of what to say. " Don't just talk; she pointed. "I'm gonna sleep on the sofa... you can have the bed" She paused and peeked at him.

"The bed is too big for one person, and ...why...." he paused peeked at her and quickly avert his face." And why can't we share the same bed... not that we are going to do anything bad....or don't tell me you have developed feelings for me" he widened his eyes at him.

"Stop spitting nonsense Hoseok.....she grimaced,  blinking her wide eyes repeatedly.

"Don't worry Bella, as long as you don't jump on me first...." He paused, leaned closer to her face "You don't have to worry." He deliberately added that last bit just to see her reaction and it seems to have worked, as she slowly shove past him making her way to the bed and Hoseok chuckled behind.

She walked to the other side of the bed and sat down. She couldn't shrug the unease in her stomach and the more she tried to say something to defend herself, the dumber she look.

She stare at him with her mouth opened and closed. She had no idea how he got that idea but then again, she had no idea how his mind work. He really knows her to mess with her brain.

"Stop staring at me, you..." she paused"You are making me unease and uncomfortable" she stuttered.

"Fine!! you can have the bed, I will sleep with Jiminah." He uttered, turning and taking his leave when her voice halt his steps.

"N-no..... that's not what I meant...I just should go..." she paused " it getting late.. aren't you sleeping yet" she stuttered. " And besides I feel scared to sleep alone when I visit a friend... don't worry we will share." she reckoned.

Bella didn't have a choice, she felt uneasy and also think it will also be okay if the two share a room since they have no choice.

"But you don't have to be thinking like that, I have no intention of jumping on you.., I was brought up with decency and morals." She puffed at him.

"Fine if you say so" he relented and Bella's face immediately brightened.

Her phone has been ringing all this while and she deliberately ignore the caller, it was as if the ringing is a threat and a disturbance to her peace. She took the phone, look at the caller shook her head, and silent it.

"You gonna ignore that call Bella" Hoseok asked immediately he sense her negligence towards the caller.

"That's Heechul" she sign.

"Why aren't you picking up his calls...who is he? boyfriend." He smirks mischievously.

Unfazed by what he said,  "That's Becky's boyfriend" Bella countered,

"Don't you think it's kind of rude to reject his calls.... like his name makes you nauseous, I can remember the last time I took you home, the mention of his name irritated you. Are you that misanthropic"

Bella saw his expression and she immediately closed her eyes to try and compose herself. She opened her eyes again and answer him, and this time her voice so low amidst a whisper.

"Not what you think.. just that... that, I really don't know what to say but I don't hate him... just that his vibes are not my thing." she stuttered.

"It's okay Bella, you can choose to ignore him at your will but for now I'm here... pick up the phone and show some respect, please. If Heechul wasn't good enough Becky won't date him and you need to respect your sister's choice".

Bella was speechless, she doesn't have the strength again to argue. His words keep countering hers. Looking at him again, Bella finally climbs down from the bed, reaching out to her phone. He was right after all a phone call won't cause a shit.

When she was done speaking to Heechul who was just curious to know how she was doing, he must have freaked out when Becky told him about Bella not coming home tonight and he decide to call to check on her.

It was such a brotherly care but Bella never liked the ideas, even though she had made at least peace with them, she is the type who feels like a call from him is invading her privacy. She loves keeping everything cool and it has been working for her all these years. " I know that blabber mouth Becky must involve you" she mumbled to herself.

As if the reaction sped up she started scratching herself more and more.

"See Hoseok...I think I need to sleep on the Chaise sectional, my body is speeding up and I feel uncomfortable" she reckoned.

"Come here..." He said grabbing her hand and bringing her towards the chair. "Yoongi-hyung give you this anti-allergy ointment in case your body itches you."

Bella was speechless as she stared at the ointment in his hands. She couldn't believe herself, how can these men treat her with all the godliness in the world? They keep pampering her, just today of seeing them. Her face brightened up.

"Bella, can I...I apply it on your face and hands?" he stuttered and silence falls within them.

After what felt like a minute, he cleared his throat when she didn't say a word.

"Never mind, you can do that yourself; was just teasing " he playfully flicked his fingers on her face, snapping her out of her thought.

"Thanks so much, Hoseok, I will do it myself" she replied.

He smirked at her and walked past her to the bed.

Bella felt her heart leaving her soul and it seems her blood is pumping fast. "Why did he make me feel this way" She turned and looked at him and her face beamed up with a smile.


"Hoseok can you read me a book," she said picking a random book from the shelf and walking up to Hoseok.

Hoseok was surprised. What?  What did she mean? Hoseok couldn't believe it.

"Bella, you are not a child. How can I read a midnight story for a full-grown adult."

"But you keep treating me as one, so you should also finish the role " she argued handling her the book.

Hoseok was in disbelief but Bella smiled, looking happy and Hoseok could only sigh. He didn't see that coming and she took her unaware.

"Here, read me any chapter that pleases you " she reckoned handing out the book.

"Fine, on one condition "

" What condition is needed in reading a book " she argued.

"That you will rest your head on my chest when I do the reading"

"You are mean" she mumbled, pulling the duvet and covering her face.

He exhales a soft laugh that sends a chill down her spine.

"But why do you want me to read a book to you" he countered her.

"Since you are treating me as a child, I might as well set up the stage for you"  she blurted out the duvet not revealing her face.

"Let do it this way then," he said pulling himself up from the bed and edging towards her, ripping the duvet off her face, and pulling her up from the bed. A playful smile displayed on his lips.

"Pay attention I'm about to read it for you okay..." he paused, peeking at her who already laying back after he pulled her up. Without saying much he took the book, look at it with his lips trapping her tongue he began reading out loud to her.

Once upon a time, they were a group of smash brothers characters, on a big cliff. They were all prepared to fight against Genu, and there were tons of hands ready to destroy the words and of them named Genu then deleted every single character from the game one by one, and it was left with one person named Kirby. Then the status of all fighters melted and turn into metal versions of themselves, and a rainbow light immediately possessed the metal characters, turning them back to life.

And turn them into evil against Kirby, working for Genu, and they all spilled up to look for Kirby, along the search, Kirby was opportune to find Mario and freed him. That was when Mario started working on Kirby's side. they all meet in one room with different prisoners and only one character to unlock, Kirby has no choice but to pick Sheik, and the other prisoners were all blocked.

Giving them no choice but to fight for freedom.

So they moved on and on to the first

Boss, one of the witches was named Marx the only person to fight Marx is Kirby, so the fight begins. During the process of the fight, one of the opponents named Marx appeared behind Kirby and transformed into a mighty and huge creature with big arms and sharp claws, then Marx spilled out a cold bowling ball of ice and froze Kirby. But Kirby escapes his trap by absorbing the ice bowling ball and spitting it back at Marx. Making Marx fly up with a black hole, bringing Kirby close to the black hole, with the speed of lightning, Marx left a shadow on the ground. Follows Kirby and then pops out of the shadow. With all this, Kirby manages to defeat Marx, and the world was saved in the end. ( © @ Adapted from Nintendo Channel.).

This is one of his random books, he loves collecting game user guides not only for himself but also for the boys who spend their quiet time playing games.

Hoseok paused on his reading, as he noticed Bella already down in the dreamworld. He let out a small smile as he watched her cute face and how she already end up cuddling his arms into her side, she breathed peacefully like a kid.

Without saying much, he slowly remove her grip on him, covering her up again with the duvet and stroking her hair gently as he watched her peaceful sleep.

He peers down at her, pressing a soft, lingering kiss onto her forehead. Goodnight Angel". And after that,  he rose and left the room.

(Just a gentle reminder that this is a pure work of fiction and does not represent the character's personalities. Thanks for staying with me all through this journey, please kindly drop your vote, comment, and keep my spirit going. Remember not to skip your meal and take enough water. Benita Bensplen Love you all.)