Chapter 47: A cat-mouse Relationship 2

Bella woke up stiff and sore, her skin hypersensitive. Her head aches in pain.

Whimpering, she struggled to stand up. It seems the herbs Seokjin-oppa gave her dehydrated all the fluid in her.

She felt weary and some kind of weakling. She trails her hand trying to pick up her phone, her throat is dried and she is thirsty.

She managed to stand up and freeze immediately after she noticed the bed was empty. She sits, staring at the empty bed, and wonders where Hoseok went.

She clicks her phone, 2:30 Am that is midnight. Heat is creeping up her neck and her skin burns.

She looked at the en-suite bathroom to see if there is anyone there but it doesn't look like one. Slightly she strolls ahead to the door, and gently opened it, still whimpering and sniffing as she walked slowly through the hallways not knowing exactly where she is going. Anywhere that can lead her to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

She was walking down the hallway when she heard a loud beat emerging from one of the rooms, without thinking twice she follows the sounds which lead her into a room.

And there he was, quietly sitting down with his headphone attached. And two other figures were also there with him. They seems to be working on something as they looked too focused to be distracted.

They jam their head, do some gestures dance along to the beat.

"Hyung, I'm using this beat with the first track" Hoseok reckoned on, slightly dancing to the beat. He looks so happy.

"Then what about the former track, did they sound the same" Yoongi chipped in.

" I can't remember the exact beat, since I lost all those tracks. But it doesn't matter as long as I produce something new, melodious, meaningful, and catchy." He uttered, his hand rims the headphones.

None of them was able to spot her presence, as she curled up at one corner watching them. Despite her weakling state, she felt it a bad idea to distract them. She had already ruined their small celebration with her sudden outburst of sickness, and now she don't want to distract them.

"Hyung have your production crew finished on all your raw tracks," Jimin asked and Hoseok shook his head, " They are still on it Jiminah, but I'm sure it will be ready before the due date."

" Then we are done here, we have recorded enough for the weekend. When their backup dancers and their choreographer comes they will start from here." Came Yoongi's voice and he slide off the headphones from his head, standing up he run his hands backward on his head.

"And hyung you need to at least sleep, when was the last time you had enough sleep" Jimin who felt towards his hyung asked, crossing his hands across Hoseok's waist, nudging the tips of his chin on his shoulder as a sign of affection.

"Look, man. If you refuse to take enough rest, then I have no choice but to tell the alien angel who you are and your intention towards her." Yoongi teased him.

"Hyung you should understand... Hoseok try to defend himself but was cut off by Jimin.

"Ahhhh, Bella"

The three eyes widened as they saw the figure who stood as if she is hiding from her predators.

"Let's call it a day, goodnight hyung. We still have next week to complete our task"

Hoseok began, trying to defend himself amidst embarrassment and also to distract Bella who seems like she heard all that was said.

"Are you okay Bella?" Yoongi cut him off.

" Yes, I'm just thirsty. I was looking for my way to the kitchen but ended up here" Bella said calmly, clearly trying to control her whimpering.

She doesn't want the men to notice her sickness, because they will be bothered, and that she doesn't want. " Another sympathy, again. N-no can never be me" she battled with her subconscious mind.

"I bet Hoseok can do that right? See you two at dawn"  Yoongi snapped, strolling out of the room and Jimin join in the same fashion as Yoongi, bidding the two goodnight with a smile and a low bow.

The two stood staring at each other before Bella decided to break the silence.

"I'm sorry for interrupting your work, I just.. just wanted water" She stuttered.

"Do you always apologize for doing something right"  Hoseok's voice was softer, and he walked up to her, taking her hands in his; but yanks them away immediately his hands touch her burning skin.

He held her shoulders and looked straight into her eyes. "You are sick Bella and your temperature is already high."

"Don't worry about me, I will be fine. I just need water and enough sleep."

"Come here" he took her hand and the two walk back to Hoseok's room.

When they entered, Hoseok make sure she was seated properly on the bed and voom he rushed out racing down the kitchen to get water for her.

"Here " he hand her a bottle of water and watch her as she gulped it down on one goal.

"Thanks so much" she inhales deeply.

Her lips beamed up when she saw how restless Hoseok is, looking at his eyes which is full of sympathy and a bit scared.

"I'm sorry... it's all my fault...I promise to drive you to the hospital tomorrow please." His lips paused, and his eyes narrowed as he stares at her.

"I said I'm fine, Seokjin-oppa herbs works wonder. Aside from this fever and headache, the itching has stopped by tomorrow I will be fine. I just need to sleep deeply and I will wake up strong" she reckoned, trying to soothe him with her sotto voce.

Hoseok looks restless, and not knowing what to do as he stares at her like a lost sheep.

"Not you acting like I'm dying, if you a man can panic like this, then the heck should a woman do? I'll be fine, com'on dude. It's just a fever... ashiiiii."

Silence reigns between them and before Bella could realize what is happening, Hoseok quickly crosses his arm around her, pulling her in for a warm hug.

"Hmmm, now you are making me emotionally sick." She mumbled as he tighten his hold on her like he shielding her from pain.

"It's all my fault...I shouldn't have picked it for you" he whispered, his voice almost cranky making her wonder if he is breaking down.

She giggles, freeing herself from his hug, holding her palms up for him.

"Fill this cup with your tears, before I forgive you"  She teased him and Hoseok lost it.

"How could you play at this critical time? He raised a curioubrowws at her with a shocked expression.

" Since you keep blaming yourself, I might as well tag along" she uttered, her voice stern and her cheeks puffed up.

Hoseok stares at her for a few moments shaking his head, his eyes not leaving her face.

"Here, rest your head on the pillow; I will sing you to sleep."

she smile at him softly, motioning for him to look and lay his head on the pillow.

A small glowing bead of happiness sprout out of his heart as he watched her motioning him to lie down.

"Stop staring at me and lie down" she tried to command him and Hoseok chuckled.

"You need to lie down, you need to sleep more." He countered her.

"Are you arguing with a sick person, I already slept...and you never sleep. Why, because you were busy in the recording room tonight." She sticks out her tongue at him.

His lips part in a bright smile that lights up his whole face, and slowly he trails his fingers along her cheeks; sending an electrifying chill down her spine.

"Stubborn Bella, you need the sleep more; lie down I will reread the previous story for you." He murmur flashing her a cheerful smile.

"If you refuse to sleep, then I might as well be awake...and you know I'm sick...I will....

"Bella, stop now, lie down please; you need to rest more."

He commands and this time, without giving her a choice to finish what she is saying.  His voice was a bit stern and Bella had no choice but to comply. Slowly she lay down, pulling the duvet over her body.

And Hoseok seeing her reaction couldn't hold the laughter in his throat. " It seems the alien angel obeys a commanding voice more."

Without saying much, Hoseok gently stood up, walking up towards the en-suite bathroom and soon the sounds of running water is heard.


Back inside the room, someone was pretending to sleep. Amidst her headache she still manage to maintain a serene posture with the duvet covering all her body not even her face was left out.

The bathroom door cracked open and Hoseok reappear. Wearing blue designed pajamas.

He used the hand dryer and before a second he was done drying his hair, he moves to his wardrobe and apply different types of perfume on his body before joining Bella who was feigning sleep.

"Your body needs sleep Bella, so you don't have to fake it." He said pulling the blanket off her face. "Don't think you can fool me "

He instantly brings his hands up to her face and she whines.

"Your fever has subsided but that doesn't mean you won't sleep."

She stared at him for a moment, a little smile parting her lips.

She remembered Yoongi-oppa's earlier statement, "Yoongi-oppa said you haven't slept for the past week, is there anything depriving your sleep?"

She trapped her lips when he didn't respond to her question " I shouldn't have asked that" she blamed her inner self. She took a deep breath, "I am sorry for asking that, I just want.....want" was all she was able to utter before she was interrupted.

"That's fine! You don't have to apologize"  Hoseok interjected.

"I have a project due to deliver, so I'm working towards it".

"What should I do to be of help" she stuttered unable to find the right word.

"Mmmm! Sure, now that I have thought about it, you should have been my PA (Personal Assistant) in charge of all my schedules. But how do you end up in my bed." He narrowed a furrowed expression on her.

Bella was shocked to the core."What is he trying to say? That I am trying to seduce him; What, No! No." She mumbled in her heart. She was at a loss for what to do next. She felt insulted and her mind went blank. She blinked repeatedly unable to think the next action to take.

"Can I cancel the agreement" she heard herself"

"Wait! What are you trying to say. Are you trying to cancel the agreement? Well, it's too late; we already agreed and besides it's signed more like a contract. I can sue you if you change your mind". Hoseok said with a mischievous grin plastered on his face.

She glances at him in disbelief,  shutting her eyes tightly and trying to shrug all her thoughts away.

Bella didn't realize that Hoseok was watching her the whole time she was battling with her thoughts. She shook her head as if she is in regret,  abruptly turning her back on him.

Hoseok watched her battling with her emotions, he knows she is trying to suppress them, her reaction is making him regret ever saying that "He has been crushing secretly on her all this while and now she is closer than the years back, he did not have any choice than telling her what he felt about her; but changed his mind on a second thought, lifting his hands to soothe her but stopped mid-air.

"Stop! You don't have to take my words to heart, of course, we can annul the agreement if that will make you happy" he uttered, silently praying in his heart for her not to change her mind.

Bella was stunned when she heard that. She thought for a moment then replied, " If we annul our agreement then what about your promise of helping me on my training" she uttered, slowly turning over to face him.

"I promise to help you, and I will keep my promise," he said with a low tone and Bella's face immediately brightened at his statement.

"We can do the annulment tomorrow if you want or do you need time to think it through? Whichever way you want just tell me okay... let's call it a day here, my neck ache and I need to relax it.." He uttered expressionlessly, taking one of the blankets and going to the chaise sofa.

Bella don't want to question him, so she pulled the blanket over herself.

"Will you be comfortable sleeping on the couch there? She asked and Hoseok nodded

She closed her eyes, and exhale heavily. She was a bit confused by his expression and wondered if he was angry at her.

"Goodnight" came Hoseok's voice.

"Goodnight" she responds.

She brought her phone to check the time, after pondering for a few minutes, she slowly pull the blanket which was big enough to cover three of her size over her body, and without thinking twice her body succumb to the early morning breeze.