Chapter 8

Marshall had deliberated the entire time he was bringing Anita back whether he should compliment her on how she'd serviced him. She was creative, eager, and enthusiastic, and had a very lovely touch with her mouth and hands. Compared to his last aborted attempt at sex, with the escort, Anita's oral skills were less polished, but ultimately much more pleasurable. When he'd started his own journey into the world of dominance and submission, he'd quickly learned that he could tell a lot about a woman's tendency for submission based on how she sucked cock. There was a world of difference between a non-kinky woman's mouth, a Submissive's mouth and a Dominant's.

The way Anita serviced him was deeply submissive. He could tell this even while she had been toying with just the tip. That she went deep into subspace while he finished himself in her did not surprise him at all. The pain he was causing, coupled with her intense need to serve him well with her mouth, were a potent combination. He looked forward to finding more ways to push her down into subspace.

First, though, he needed to introduce her to torture of a new kind. Anita was showing a great deal of potential as a long-term plaything, and he liked his playthings to be well trained and controllable.

"Are you centered back into yourself, Miss Rhodes?" he asked, putting a hand on her neck, surreptitiously checking her pulse. It was clear and steady, telling him that she was back, at least in body."

"I think so, Sir."

"Good." He stood up. "Follow me."

He went to a chest of drawers, opening the top one to show Anita a small assortment of vibrators and dildoes, all new in their boxes. "Do you have a favorite style?"

Anita looked over the selection, then looked over at him.

"I prefer to not share insertable toys between my toys unless they're made of glass or metal, which are easily sanitized."

"Of course, Sir," she said, perusing the offerings.

"If you have something that is very reliable, select that. This is not the time to try something you've always been curious about. It's time for you to get something that you know works."

Anita deliberated for a bit, then selected one of the rabbit vibrators, a stout piece built for penetration, but with an external clitoral stimulator built into it. "I've worn a couple of these out, Sir."

"So you are able to orgasm easily with one of these?"

"Yes, Sir."

Marshall took the vibrator from her and started unboxing it. "Unroll the futon and lay down on your back, legs wide for me."

"Yes, Sir."

While Anita prepared, Marshall took a bottle of lubricant from another drawer and knelt down beside her. He lubricated one finger and started to gently stroke her lips. As he expected, he did not need the help, as she was plenty wet and eager. Even using nothing but light external stimulation and avoiding the clit entirely, he got a very enthusiastic response out of her. It didn't take long until she started lifting her hips or sliding down the futon, chasing his fingers as he teased at her.

"You're dying for something, aren't you, Miss Rhodes?"

"I am, Sir."

"What do you want?" he asked, tapping his fingers on her clit a couple of times.

"I want to please you, Sir."

"Teasing you pleases me, Miss Rhodes. Filling your mouth with my cock pleases me. Making you kneel in silence or hold still for very long periods of time pleases me, Miss Rhodes. Shall I continue to take my pleasure from you this way?"

"I would suck your cock all weekend long if that pleases you, Sir." Anita said, putting a finger in her mouth.

"Would you be truly content if that was all you got out of this weekend, Miss Rhodes?"

"I would be content to serve you that way if it was your will, Sir."

"But you want more, don't you? Speak freely, Miss Rhodes."

"Freely, Sir? Without consequence?"

"Speak freely, Miss Rhodes," he said, sternly. "That is an order. Speak freely without any regard of potential consequences."

"Sir," she said, taking a deep breath in, but seemed unable to get the words out.

Marshall slipped his fingers down and parted her lips, threatening to enter her. "Spit it out," he said, starting to push in just a bit. Her hips bucked and she clamped her thighs shut around his hand. "Open your legs, and put your ass back down. I decide if my fingers go inside of you, not you."

"Yes, Sir," Anita said, chastised. She opened her legs wide and flattened herself to the futon. "What I am dying for, Sir."

Marshall put his fingers back on her lips and ran little circles around the soft, wet place between them, still not entering, just exploring the very edges.

"I am dying to have you take me to the living room, push my face up against the window, and fuck me so hard I'm sure the glass is going to break and I'm going to fall to the street below.

Marshall plunged his fingers inside of her, hooking them around the pubic bone to put pressure on the g-spot, crushing the heel of his palm against her clit. He gave a good squeeze and shook her a bit while she voiced something that sounded like it was equal parts hearty laugh, surprise, and pure ecstasy.

"Was that so hard, Miss Rhodes?"

"No, Sir."

"You know what is going to be hard, Miss Rhodes?"

"I do not, Sir," she said, her voice coming back to normal as Marshall eased his fingers out of her.

"Knowing that I will not give that to you this weekend. Because you are being punished."

He saw a pained look cross her face, disappointment but also some understanding of the fact that he could deny her anything. She was not yet fully accepting of it, her statements that she existed only to provide him pleasure still were her telling him what he wanted to hear. She still had a long way to go before she internalized the deeper pleasure she would receive when she gave up all autonomy over her body to his will and whims, but it had barely been an hour. He still had time to get her to embrace the joy in having him deny her.

Marshall put a little more lube on his fingertips and started to stroke her again, the light, maddening, gentle strokes. He had to take his free hand and force her hips back down to the futon because she had started chasing his fingers three times. The last time, he also delivered a very firm slap to her pubic mound. The look of shocked indignation on her face told him nobody had ever dared spank her there before, but it seemed to do the trick. She let her legs relax to where they simply fell open, and she kept her hips still. This let him build pleasure in her very slowly and gradually, in a way that lit up every nerve in her body. He was able to brush a fingernail across her ankle or the back of her knee and an involuntary shiver would jolt through her entire body. Lightly blowing across a nipple would cause her to shake and stop breathing. A tiny nip on her ear made her yelp. When she started whimpering and stroking her breasts, carefully avoiding her now rock-hard and extremely sensitive nipples, Marshall put the vibrator in her hand.

"Your next lesson, Miss Rhodes, is learning that your orgasms are my property. You may have them only when I give them to you, and you need to learn to have them upon my command. Do you understand?"

"Ohhhhh, yes, Sir. Yes, I do." The look of utter bliss on her face mixed with frustration intrigued him. This was not a new idea to her, but he did not feel it immediately relevant to know if she'd been previously trained to orgasm control. All that mattered was that he train her to respond to his cues, and to not respond to anybody else's training when she was with him. As long as any other cues she had were different than his, anything that had come before was irrelevant.

"Has anybody ever trained you to not orgasm while they hold your wrist?"

"No, Sir," she said, looking just a little perplexed. Perhaps she had not been previously trained, just exceptionally curious about it.

Marshall took her left hand into his, leaving her right hand, with the vibrator, free. "When you are with me, you will not, under any circumstances, ever have an orgasm if I'm holding your wrist in my hand. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Masturbate for me. Give me a nice show, Miss Rhodes."

"Yes, Sir," she said, putting he shaft of the vibrator into her mouth, and sucking on it for a second, pulling it out nice and wet. She bent her knees, keeping her legs nice and wide, and placed the vibrator between her lips. She looked Marshall in the eyes and smiled as she turned the vibrator on and picked a setting. As she inserted it, she gasped and her eyes rolled back in her head. A long, relieved moan escaped her and she arched her back.

Marshall moved himself from her shoulders to her hip, so he could get a good view of the toy inside of her. This was the first good look he'd allowed himself of her most personal parts. The toy had a nice girth, that opened her outer lips wide, exposing her red, engorged clit to the little, soft buzzing rabbit and to his inspection. Her clitoral hood was well-shaped and smooth, and the inner lips looked like they'd protrude a bit when she was at rest.

More important than admiring her pretty little pussy, though, he was watching her to see how she pleased herself. She liked to bury the toy deep inside of her, as far as it could go before the little clit stimulator stopped it from penetrating any farther. Instead of thrusting in and out of herself, she liked to keep it deep and rock it with a front-to-back motion, or give it some side-to-side. It seemed like Anita liked to be filled up. Marshall put a hand on the front of his trousers, where he was starting to stiffen up again, confident that he'd be able to please her in that respect.

As he watched her, he almost missed the buildup of her orgasm, but he caught the moment when she stopped moaning with her mouth closed, and opened up when a bigger wave of pleasure started building. He slid his right hand from her left hand and touched her wrist. With his left, he took a light grip on the very end of the vibrator, while she started to ride her pleasure up higher and higher.

When he guessed she was a few seconds away from going over the edge, he clamped down on her wrist, and yanked the vibrator out of her grip and her body. "Do not come!" he said, using the most powerful Dominant voice he could summon.

"Yes, Sir," Anita said through clenched teeth.

"Don't come, or the punishment will be swift and fierce."

"Yes, Sir," Anita said again, this time a little less breathlessly.

"You coming down?"

Anita needed to take a couple deep breaths, and said, "I am, Sir."

He let go of her wrist, but didn't give the vibrator back to her immediately. He decided to admire her body without the toy inside of it with both his eyes and some more little fleeting strokes of his fingers. He found himself very much looking forward to the next part of her training, when he'd finally get to slide himself up between her long, firm legs.

"Round two, Miss Rhodes," he said, putting the vibrator back in her hand. "Savor it, don't rush it."

Anita lowered the vibration setting on the toy and slid it back in, this time using more thrusting and spending less time with it buried. Marshall watched the way her body moved differently and how she voiced this other kind of pleasure. It was more contented, more comfortable than when she had the toy in her the first time. He filed this information for later. When he was ready to give her another push, he started lightly scratching the insides of her thighs. She took the hint, and went back to deep pressure. He could see the selector button, so he tapped the setting up a few steps of intensity on her, watching her build up rapidly. Again, just a few seconds before she popped off, he yanked the vibrator out and clamped his hand around her wrist.

"Do not come!"

"Yes, Sir!"

This time, it took her a little more time for her body to relax, but not to the point where she'd be on a hair trigger.

As he repeated the exercise, he started grabbing her wrist earlier, holding lightly and letting his grip tighten up as she got closer, before squeezing tightly and yanking the vibrator out. A dozen repetitions brought her to the point where it was taking less than half a minute with the vibrator before she started to heat up suddenly.

"Are you ready to kill me yet, Miss Rhodes?" he asked when he yet again pulled the vibrator away from her.

"No, Sir. Not yet."

"Keep going."

Marshall knew he was starting to tread a very fine line with her. He could only bring her to the edge and then suddenly stop her so many times before the tension would dissipate and her body would become numb and unresponsive. He brought her close a couple more times before he decided it was time to stop the tease. When he pulled the vibrator away from her, her moans of pleasure sounded almost like they'd been strangled off, and she really did look like she was about to kill him. If he let her have the vibrator just to pull it away again, she'd start to lose desire.

"Are you ready for the next lesson, where I start teaching you to orgasm on command?"

"Oh dear God, please, Sir," Anita said, spreading her legs wide for him. "Just say the word."

"That is exactly how this is going to work, Miss Rhodes. I am going to program you to a specific cue word. I have to select the word carefully, though. It wouldn't do for it to be anything too ridiculous, because I want to be able to use it very seriously. It can't be something too common, or you'll end up having spontaneous orgasms while talking to your grandmother or in line at the bank. But it would be nice if it was a word that was not all that uncommon in daily life. There are, of course, a lot of words that fit that bill, but it always works to find out the perfect one to use with a particular person. As I'm sure you can imagine," Marshall said.

"Yes, Sir."

"It also won't do for me to tell you that word right now. Until you are completely programmed, the only time you can hear that word is when I want you to climax for me."

"I understand, Sir."

"Good," Marshall said. "What position gives you the most intense orgasms, Miss Rhodes?"

"If he's good with his tongue, it's on my back with a pillow under my hips, Sir."

"I'm not going to service you, Miss Rhodes. I'm going to fuck you."

"Kneeling on a couch or a comfy chair, with him standing behind me, Sir. The angle is exquisite."

"Undress me," Marshall said.

"Yes, Sir."

Anita started by untucking his tank top from the waistband of his pants. She moved to kiss him, but he put a hand to her mouth, and gently pushed her away. "You haven't earned that privilege yet," he said.

"Yes, Sir," Anita said, stepping back from him and lifting the shirt up over his head. Marshall watched her take in the sight of his bare torso. He saw her bring a hand up to stroke his chest. Just as he was about to say something to her, she made a tiny nod, and stopped herself. She went down to her knees and started unlacing his right boot. He backed away from her, and dropped into his armchair. This made it much easier for her to pull the boot off. She kissed his ankle and the top of his foot as she slid them out of the boot, glancing up at him. He gave her a nod of approval, and she kissed his foot once more before unlacing and removing the left boot, complete with more kisses to the ankle and foot.

Once his feet were bare, Marshall stood up and allowed her to unlace the fly of his leather pants, and start to pull them down. He'd kept his feet just a bit more than hip-width apart, which made it slow going for her to get the pants off. He could see a craving look in her eye as blood pulsed into his stiffening cock right in front of her face. If he weren't already well on his way to a full erection, he'd have let her suck him some more, but he was rather eager to move on to the next part of the program. Watching her tease herself was certainly much easier on him than the orgasm denial had been on her, but all that time watching the toy slide in and out of her, had him quite a bit on edge as well.

With his pants finally down around his ankles, he stepped out of them, put a finger under Anita's chin, and used it to guide her back to a standing position. He slipped a hand between her legs, and she immediately moved her feet apart, giving him more room to inspect her condition. He was very pleased at what he found.

Marshall stepped aside, so he no longer stood between her and the armchair.

"Assume the position, Miss Rhodes."