Chapter 9

Anita had to use a good amount of willpower to keep from throwing herself onto the armchair. It would not do to look like a dog that had been staring at a steak for an hour being told it could finally eat. She wanted to show some dignity and control. After all, this lesson with Sir was all about extreme levels of self-control in the middle of a weekend that was turning out to be all about control.

She knelt on the seat of the chair, and bent at the waist, putting her upper chest on the back of the chair embracing it. She let her knees slide outwards, until they butted up against the arms of the chair. As Sir came up and put a hand on her hip, she realized that she'd always been terribly self-conscious about having a lover see her in that position before. Even with men she'd been very comfortable being nude around, or with offering herself up to their oral attention, she always felt there was something too exposed about the position. It was like spreading herself wide while bent over and facing away was too impersonal. Her nakedness was no longer a part of herself she was sharing with somebody, it was her most intimate parts just put out on display.

With Sir, it was very different. She knew he was standing behind her, looking at her, examining her body, maybe even judging it. She knew that he didn't love her, maybe he didn't even like her that much. Maybe to him she was just a girl willing to let him use her body. He made no secret that she was his property, his toy, his plaything. Maybe it was those completely impersonal trappings to their agreement that made her not shy away from having him look at her from such a vulnerable position. Maybe that not only made it alright, but actually built a powerful emotional arousal to heighten the physical state she was in after sucking him off and then enduring the lengthy session with the vibrator.

"Without naming them, you do know the colors of the spectrum, correct, Miss Rhodes? You know who Mr. Roy G. Biv is?"

It took Anita a few seconds to realize he'd been speaking to her, and then to make sense of his question. "Yes, Sir," she finally said.

"There are seven colors of the spectrum. I will start with red. You are strictly forbidden from having an orgasm until I reach the seventh color. You will be severely punished if you climax before then. Do you understand, Miss Rhodes?"

"I do, Sir." Silently, inside her mind, she was screaming at him to just shut up and give it to her already.

"Furthermore, you will orgasm as I speak the seventh color. Failure to do so will also result in punishment. Are we clear, Miss Rhodes?"

"Perfectly clear, Sir." Anita said. She had no doubt that as soon as she got permission, she'd go flying right over the edge, never looking back.

"Very well." Sir squared himself behind her, and put his hand on her.

Anita had to grit her teeth together to keep from demanding he skip the preliminaries and just take her.

Sir started stroking her with his full palm, cupping her pubic mound, sometimes backing his hand away a bit so he could concentrate attention on her clit with his fingertips. A few rounds of that, and he slipped his thumb inside of her, massaging her inside and out with a firm and steady hand.

All the while, he kept his stiff cock close to her, brushing the backs of her thighs, keeping the promise of it very present in her mind. As skilled as Sir's handiwork was, her whole existence was actually focused on just one thing, and it wasn't at the end of either of his wrists. She was so close to finally being able to release the orgasm she'd been holding back - against her own desire to please herself, against his orders to keep it tightly restrained - and he was still jerking around instead of letting her release.

"Would you like to come, Miss Rhodes?" he asked as he started bringing her close again.

"Please, Sir," Anita panted.

"On the seventh color, and only then," Sir said, slipping his hand away from her and repositioning herself. "Not before or after."

"Yes, Sir," Anita said, as he put himself up against her. It took absolutely every last remaining shred of willpower for her to not thrust her hips back and engulf him.

"Are you sure you understand, Miss Rhodes?" Sir said, with a very definite, taunting note in his voice.

"I do, Sir. Completely."

He slid the head and just a little bit of the shaft inside of her. The word, "Yesssssss," hissed out of her in one very long exhalation, and then she started panting in anticipation of more, and with the effort of keeping herself still so he could drive. "I can't, Sir," she said, in a broken, ragged breath. "I can't control myself much longer."

Sir grabbed her hips and squeezed. Not with the same iron grip he'd used on her chest on the bed earlier. It was not hard enough to cause pain, but left Anita with no doubt about who was actually in charge.

"Red!" Sir said, plunging himself completely into her, using the grip on her hips to grind her against him, grind himself against her. He was nice and thick, filling her completely, and the rocking and swaying their bodies were doing against each other electrified every single nerve in her body. She let out a long, loud moan, inhaled, and said, "Oh. Yesssss!" again.

He pulled back and drove into her again. "Orange," he said as insistently pulled her hips against his again.

"Yes, Sir, Yes!" she called out.

"Yellow!" he said, on his third thrust. She screamed in pure delight as he stretched her body out, and she felt his solid thighs against the backs of her legs. The angle was just perfect, and she felt a shiver start inside of her, the shiver that would resolve itself into waves of pleasure that would shoot out from between her legs to engulf her completely. Anita was just about to go over that edge she'd been on for so long...

"Green!" Sir said, the head of his cock hitting the most magical bundle of nerves inside of her as he slid home again, and she remembered why he was calling off colors. She wasn't allowed over that edge yet. She'd been strictly forbidden from going over that edge until Sir reached the color...

Anita tried to stop it, but there was no turning back. Once she'd surrendered to the shivers, nothing could stop what was going to come next. She tried to remember the order of the colors, to see if she could still delay it a bit longer, but her body had already gone on without her.

She first groaned through clenched teeth as she made one last attempt to tamp it down, then it hit. Her mouth opened and she gave a full-throated shout of, "OH GOD YES, YES, YES!" Her arms held the back of the chair in a death grip, while her legs locked tight and her back arched.

At first, she had no idea why an orgasm should make her scalp hurt. When she found herself on the floor, she figured it out. Sir had taken her by the hair and thrown her down. As her orgasm continued, the lack of his substantial cock inside of her was painful as her body tried to clench around the empty space where that beautiful, hard part of him had just been.

There was something much worse than the physical emptiness inside of her. As the physical pleasure subsided, she felt an even greater sense of emotional hollowness. She'd never before had a partner complete vacate himself from any contact with her at that moment when she was most wide open and defenseless. For her, having an orgasm with a partner always involved him still inside of her, licking her, stroking her. There was always that moment of having her partner's body intimately close to her, solid, warm, and real as she slipped out of reality for those two or three heartbeats when her pleasure peaked. She had always had that anchor, that rock, that light to return to.

As she re-collected herself in isolation, from that orgasm she'd been saving for Sir, had been holding at bay as her gift to him until he chose to collect it, she did not know what to do with herself. Her body had betrayed her by going over the edge too soon, and it had gotten its relief. Herself, her heart, had not gotten the agonizing release. Anita's body had failed her, and while she lay in a bereft heap on the floor, it continued to shiver slightly as it kept coming down from what had been, admittedly, one of the most physically intense climaxes of her life.

When Anita was finally able to open her eyes again, she saw Sir standing over her, cock still stiff and proud, a look of intense anger on his face.

"Get up," Sir said.

Anita rolled onto her stomach so she could crawl to her feet. Sir grabbed a handful of her hair and roughly hurried that process. "Up!" he said. Once she was standing, he twisted her hair hard to the side and lifted, which wrenched her head painfully toward her shoulder, and he marched her over to the big, wooden X in the room.

"I'm sorry, Sir," she said, meekly.

"Shut up," he said. "I told you the punishment would be severe if you came without permission. I don't want to hear another word out of you until I take you down." With that, he grabbed her right wrist, lifted it high, and slipped it into the leather cuff mounted at the top of one of the arms of the X. He repeated the process with her other wrist and her ankles, then he put the blackout mask over her eyes.

Anita was crushed. She'd failed him.

He had gotten to Green on the spectrum. Blue, Indigo, and then Violet, and she would have been allowed to climax. She'd let herself get distracted by her pleasure, and she fell just three thrusts of his glorious cock short of fulfilling her duty to him. She had failed herself, because she had chosen to give her pleasure over to Sir, yet her body took it before he could.

Even worse, she had failed Sir. The first tears started to fall from her eyes when she felt a sudden stinging pain across her back. It was not as sharp or cruel as when her parents would spank her bare bottom with a belt back when she was a girl. It was a more diffuse sensation, spread out across more of her back, and not delivered with the same kind of intent. She was sure Sir wanted to hurt her body, but he wanted to do it in a controlled manner. She did not doubt, though, that she was going to get more than a few lashes with whatever it was in his hand.

A second lash landed, a little bit lower than the first. A third, just a bit below that. She lost count, but the time he paused, he'd laid evenly spaced blows from her shoulder blades to the small of her back. In the break, she listened and heard him move somewhere to her left, taking something off the wall. The acoustics of the room were odd. The carpeting was so lush that footsteps made no sound, but she very clearly heard him take something off the wall, the clink of the metal hardware holding the leather cuffs to the wooden X was crisp, the sound of the metal rings on the collar she wore was bright.

She heard the whistle in the air as Sir swung whatever new implement was in his hand, and flinched in anticipation. She wasn't sure whether it was that tightening of the muscles, or if it was the nature of the new item in his hand, but it bit harder than the first one, hard enough to make her yelp.

"Silence!" Sir said, and put another stripe on her back. Anita decided that the new implement had definitely been selected for the harsher sting compared to the first. And as he had with the first one, Sir carefully worked her from shoulders to butt. When he got to the bottom, though, he didn't pause to change to another implement, but he seemed to switch up his approach, working bottom to top, and swinging so it came across her from left to right instead of right to left.

When he got to her shoulders, Anita expected him to start working downwards again, but he didn't. He crushed himself against her back, wrapped an arm around her to grab one of her breasts in his hand, and demonstrate yet again just how powerful of a grip he had. Anita struggled to keep silent as his fingertips dug into her. If she could have moved around or stomped her feet, it would have been easier, but her ankles were shackled to the X.

"I had warned you, did I not?" Sir whispered menacingly into her ear.

"You did, Sir."

"Why did you disobey?"

"I tried, Sir, but my body had a mind of its own."

"If you can't control your body, then I will," Sir said, then he planted his mouth the back of her shoulder and bit down. The pain was briefly enough to distract her from the hold he had on her breast, until he closed his hand even tighter to even things up again. Between his teeth and fingers and her need to not cry out, her vision went black and in her struggles to move her legs, she ended up cracking her knee against the wood she was shackled to. As had happened once before, she contemplated calling 'Warning', but forced herself to take a ten count first.

At nine, Sir released her breast, but kept his mouth on her, sealing his lips against her skin so he could suck hard on the insulted skin even as he continued to bite her ferociously. She made it through two more ten counts before she said, "Alter, please, Sir."

Instantly, he took his mouth off of her shoulder. As she caught her breath, she felt new sensations of pain in both her breast and shoulder, as the blood was able to flow freely into the skin again.

"Fuck," she said, and Sir immediately punctuated it with a fierce, open-handed slap to the fresh bite. The sudden, extremely stinging impact blinded her again and her knees buckled under her.

"Mind your language, Miss Rhodes."

"Sorry, Sir."

He came up behind her and pressed his body against hers again. She tensed, anticipating that the other breast was about to be grabbed, but his hands went much lower, gripping the flesh on the inside of her thighs. She tried to pull her legs together, but the ankle shackles kept the skin fully exposed to his attention. He took two handfuls of skin and showed her yet again just how much excruciating pain he could cause her. As he squeezed and twisted, and she struggled against her restraints and his body pressing into hers she lost her ability to remain silent and started panting and grunting. Simultaneous with her surrender to his ministrations, she felt something quite unexpected. A mighty resurgence of her arousal as the sensations of pain, so close to her aching and eager pussy, started every nerve in the area on fire. She started to think that in the state she was in, he just might be able to give her another orgasm by doing nothing but causing overwhelming pain in her upper, inner thighs.

Fortunately, some part of her was learning its lesson about minding her body. She forced herself to steady her breathing and to try to relax her twitching, tense muscles, to try and ride out the pain. As an added bonus, it took some of the edge off of the flood of endorphins that seemed to be pouring into her body from between her legs. She let her head fall back and let out a long sigh as she managed to bleed off some of the tension.

"That's right, Miss Rhodes," Sir whispered into her ear. "Learn to not fight it, but to ride it."

"I'm trying, Sir."

"Good. You're going to need it," he said, stepping back from her. He landed one more hard, flat slap onto the bite on her shoulder, that rocketed her right out of her tenuous sense of calm. Her knees collapsed again, and if it hadn't been for the shackles on her wrists, she would have fallen to the floor. She felt his thigh force itself roughly in between her legs and he lifted hard to force her back to her feet. The sudden press of his muscular leg up in between hers shot another wave of pleasure into her body and she giggled despite herself.

"You're not enjoying this, are you?"

"No, Sir."

"I don't believe you," he said, and whatever the stingy thing was that he'd laid across her back earlier bit a fresh, hot stripe across her back.

Anita tried to think of something to say, but nothing came to mind. All the better, she realized, as he laid into her anew. The second blow stung so hard she might have bit her tongue off if she'd been speaking when it hit.

As Sir threw the implement across her back over and over, Anita did her best to try and recapture that sense of serenity that she'd briefly felt when he'd been squeezing and twisting the flesh of her thighs. It was an elusive thing, and every time she thought she might be able to capture it, another blow across her back would rattle her.

One of the strikes went right across the bite mark, and she screamed. His next three blows progressively softened, and he stopped. Anita felt him put his hand at the nape of her neck and rake his nails down her spine. He wasn't digging in hard, but the skin was so raw and sensitive, that it almost felt like he was scraping a set of rough, red-hot files down her back. Anita closed her mouth and tried again to calm herself as much as possible. She felt a bit of pride when he got to the bottom of her back without her making a sound.

"You're teaching yourself composure. Good," Sir said. "It will serve you well in learning to give control of your pleasure to me."

"I want nothing more, than to give you that, Sir."

"Good. Shall we test your progress in that realm again, Miss Rhodes?"

"Please, Sir," Anita said.

She felt something drape across her right shoulder. She guessed it was one of those multi-tailed leather whips she'd seen on the wall, judging by the sense of a long handle of something hard and round behind her, and a spread of leather to the front, the tips of it tickling the nipple of the breast he'd brutalized.

Sir slipped the mask off of her eyes, and she confirmed that he had put the whip over her shoulder. It was made of alternating strips of red and black suede. As he undid the restraints, he said, "That's called a flogger. I have a variety. That one is moderately sadistic. I have some that provide a deeper impact with less sting, and some that make you feel like I'm literally ripping the skin off your back."

Anita tilted her head to the side so she could feel the suede strips against her cheek. It both did and did not seem odd to her that she was so unabashedly enjoying the texture of the very thing that had just been causing her so much pain. 'Yes,' the little voice inside of her said. She had been wondering where that voice had been while Sir had just been working her over. 'True pain unlocks true peace.'

"Your arm, Miss Rhodes," Sir said, before she could think about that last message. Anita held her arm out in front of her. Sir took the flogger off her shoulder, swung it, and struck her across the inside of her forearm. "Moderately sadistic," he reminded her, as he hung it on the wall and selected a different flogger. When he whipped her forearm with that one, the bite was so nasty that she barked and jumped backwards.

"Orgasm early this time, and I'm going to work your front with this flogger until you beg for mercy. Am I clear?"

"Perfectly, Sir," Anita said, watching very apprehensively as he set it very carefully on the futon pad on the floor.

"Hands and knees," he told her, pointing at the futon. As Anita took the position, she desperately hoped that having that evil little flogger in plain view right in front of her would help her keep the self-control she needed.

Sir initially took a position in front of her, kneeling just beyond the flogger. He was mostly erect, but not fully so. She closed her eyes and offered him an open mouth, which he promptly took advantage of. Anita let her mind freely wander to the blowjob she'd given him earlier, to the way she felt as she pleased him, the noises he made as she sucked and stroked him. She thought back to the work she'd done to keep tending to him as he'd taken more and more control of her body away from her. As she serviced him sweetly, she took inspiration from both parts of that experience, the memory of the pleasure to get herself excited and ready to take him inside of her again, and the concentration she'd been able to bring to bear to please him.

"That will do, Miss Rhodes," he said, touching her cheek. She stopped sucking on him, and leaned a little bit back as he pulled out. "You remember your cues, when an orgasm is strictly forbidden, and when one is required?"

"I do, Sir."

"Good," he said, settling in behind her. He explored her with his hand for a bit, then used his fingers to part her inner lips wide and slide himself into her.

Anita said, "Ooooohhhhhh, yes Sir..." as he penetrated her, sliding in to fill her completely again. He started to take her slowly, gently, in a way that started waking her entire body again. As he worked, he put one hand at the small of her back, then let it slip down, parting her cheeks as he slid in and out of her.

She felt a finger continue to slide until it reached the other opening and teased at it. His finger was slick from having been inside her wet and excited body as it rubbed her. Anita was surprised to find the sensation oddly pleasurable and intriguing. It built up her own arousal and increased the pleasure he was giving her with his cock, just a very short distance away. He was so gentle and gradual with his attention that she barely noticed him penetrate her. As soon as he did, she felt this shock of surprise and pleasure at the way his finger increased the sensation his cock was giving her. Not only that, as he worked his finger inside of her, she found that was pleasurable in its own right. She'd always heard it was incredibly painful to be played with there, unless a lot of preparation was done, and the woman got used to it. Sir seemed to have a magic touch as he explored her and showed her just what that part of her body was capable of.

"Have you ever been fucked in the ass, Miss Rhodes?"

"Never, Sir."

He took his good, sweet time backing his cock out from between her legs, all the while working the finger he had inside of her. He slipped a second finger in, slowly stroking in and out, speaking to her soothingly, encouraging her to relax and attend to the unique pleasures of that part of her body.

He finally slipped both fingers out, and she felt him bring his cock into position. "OK, Miss Rhodes. I need you to tense yourself up here as much as you can. Tighten up hard."


"Tense and tight as you can. Just do as I say."

Anita concentrated on bearing down as hard as she could. She waited for him to plow right into her, using her tension that he'd just been telling her to release a few seconds earlier, to make the penetration difficult and horrible for her, but she obeyed. She remembered when he'd asked for consent to her entire body, and she had considered this possibility when she gave it. She had given it freely, and committed herself to honoring that.

"Tighter," Sir said. "Tight as you possibly can and hold it."

Anita could feel him, prepared to dive in. Her fear of how much it would hurt helped her tense up. He kept steady pressure against her, but didn't go in. She wondered if she were so scared of it that she was too tight for him to go.

"On zero, relax," he said.

"Yes, Sir."


Anita complied, and let her body let go. As she did so, she felt him push into her. She reflexively started to tighten up again, but from having held fast for so long, the muscles were too worn out to shut him out. He was able to slip into her smoothly. She had to admit, there was some pain, but she was able to endure it by just exhaling and letting out a small whimper. It was nowhere near as bad as other things he'd done to her so far.

"I'm just going to hold until you're ready," Sir said, quietly, stroking her hip reassuringly. Anita took a few deep breaths and let herself focus on the sensation of having him inside of her, both the pain of his substantial, hard cock stretching her out, the thrill of finally engaging in this forbidden act, and the very, very nice tingle that she started to feel as her body adapted to him being inside of her.

"I'm ready, Sir," Anita said. "But gentle, please."

"To start," he said, and he started to ride her easily, carefully. She adjusted her hips and the spread of her legs until she found a position that allowed her the most comfort. With each stroke, he got a little bit faster, pushed into her a little more insistently, until he was thrusting at her the same as if he were giving her a moderate session in the conventional manner. As he went at her, Anita kept her awareness of the discomfort and pain it caused, but focused more intently on the other sensations. She could have remained quiet, but gave her pleasure full voice. By letting it build and express itself as it needed to, she found herself rapidly reaching new heights of sexual thrill, feeling proud of herself for being able to take Sir so readily, reveling in how good it felt to have him there, sharing his pleasure as he also spoke and grunted his pleasure at her. At one point, she thought, 'God, I'm being such a fucking filthy whore right now...' and laughed heartily at the thought. That laughter relaxed her so much that found herself oddly craving more pain than she was getting, and she said, "Heighten, Sir."

"Gladly," he said, shifting his grips on her hips, and he started to go at her with vigor.

"Heighten, please, Sir."

She was rewarded by a slam of his hips against her ass that knocked her upper body forward and her arms collapsed, and she fell to her elbows.

"Oh, Yes, Sir!" Anita shouted. "Like that. Use me. Hurt me."

Sir started to thrust hard and fast, almost as hard and fast as she'd ever been taken before. The vigor upset the balance of pleasure and pain, to where she started to feel like he was going to split her open, and it overwhelmed the other sensations. Anita decided to not fight it, but to give it as much voice as she had been giving her pleasure. The words coming out of her mouth still begged him to keep going at her hard, but tears flowed freely from her and there was no way Sir could not have noticed that she sobbing as she spoke.

But by fully embracing the pain, Anita was also letting herself fully embrace the rush of it. That rush was burning through her the same way Sir's vicious grip on her thighs had. The more he hurt her, the more her body processed it by pouring endorphins into her and the more her nerves were lit up with agony, the more they transformed it into ecstasy.

'Surrender,' said her tiny internal voice.

"I surrender," she said, aloud, between racking sobs, and in that moment, she felt a kind of fire inside of her as she never had before, she found herself being lifted to a sexual height she never before would have imagined.

And then Sir clamped her wrist with a death grip, and she was yanked away from the edge of the precipice and thrown back.

"You fucking bastard!"

Anita didn't realize she'd screamed that at Sir until he said, "You stupid, stupid girl." He twisted her arm painfully behind her back, and used a handful of hair to yank her head backwards. The next thrust of his hips was so violent it crushed her flat onto her stomach, and her face hit the handle of the evil flogger that was supposed to remind her of her place. The one she'd completely forgotten about as she let the pain of her first time giving her tight ass to a man overwhelm her.

"Stupid, stupid girl," Sir said again, shifting his legs a little, so he could more effectively pound at her while pressing her even harder down into the futon pad.

Anita forced herself to think of nothing but the hand on her wrist. She knew that her only hope of not being beaten with intense violence was to be as small and compliant as she possibly could while he finished making use of her. As she shrank her awareness down to just her wrist, her body started to go limp, and she found the pain had ceased to matter. Nothing mattered any more except Sir taking what he wanted from her.

So she was surprised when, without breaking the rhythm of his hard thrusting, he said, "Red."

Anita could not believe what she was hearing. How could he possibly? He was starting the countdown to orgasm for her while still holding her wrist.


What did that mean? He wanted to give her pleasure after she'd not only used foul language, but actually directed it at him?

"Yellow. Whore."

Anita let her awareness expand, away from her wrist, up her arm to her shoulder.


Sir's voice was getting ragged and the pitch was shifting. She'd heard that shift in his voice once before, while he was trying to shove his cock down her throat.


Anita was amazed at how good it felt to have her breasts scraping against the fabric of the futon pad, how it felt to have it against her belly and the fronts of her thighs, and her cheek. His hand in her hair, jerking at her scalp as he drove into her.

"Indigo," Sir said, dragging the syllables out as his own climax was powering through him. Anita finally let herself experience what was happening in her ass, the raw and shouting nerves, screaming at the assault they were being subjected to. He released his grip on her wrist.


Anita exploded. Whatever came out of her mouth was in no human language. The orgasm collided with her body like a herd of wild horses stampeding, beating and battering her. At first, her body convulsed violently, intensifying all of the sensations she was receiving as her body tightened around Sir's cock and he wrapped his arms and legs around her to keep from getting bucked off. The struggle and the random thrusts that resulted caused another screaming orgasm to burst through her. As that one subsided, she started pounding her arms and legs against the futon pad and came again.

The third orgasm flooded her with so much intense ecstasy that she drowned in it, and everything around her went black.