Hunting Ground: Dawn

Neijya could be seen trying to cram the rest of the files into her head. Meanwhile, Nusa seemed to be really confident as he didn't even try to check his document after the time was out.

With every rope stationed at a certain location within the empty storage room, I went back to the duo of young cubs that may be a little bit too scared without the leader around them.

"Alright. So here's what both of you should keep in mind.

"We will be hunting from place to place within the Yugen Extra's territory. To do that, what I demand from both of you are speed, obedience to command, precision, and tenacity.

"Our quota is only 39 heads, but on some occasion, I will continue the operation until I deemed that neither of you could go on.

"Likewise, we're only going to kill the people that are included within the documents. Any dead tolls on their side that aren't listed within the files will result in terrifying consequences.

"And to make it clear, neither of you should kill any life without a cue from my side. Hence why you need to follow my command efficiently if you want to make it out alive regardless of the situation.

"After the cue is given, it's all up to you to accomplish the task. Failure is not an option except death.

"Then for the last rule, I want every prey that we have killed to be retrieved into this storage building…


""YES, SIR!""

The hunters were unleashed.

Marching deftly at the five times the velocity of average human's maximum running speed, I led the two hounds of mine to traverse from the cracks and shortcut above and in-between the infrastructure of the Lowstreet.

To make sure that both of them wouldn't immediately gasp like a fish out of the water, I often slow down the pace while also periodically increasing the pace when needed to make them accustomed to this way of traveling.

In one of the moments where I slowed down the pace, Neijya struck a conversation.

"This is the first time I knew a human could travel using this unorthodox path." She was both as excited as she was nervous with all of this. "Jumping from the roof of buildings to buildings, I feel like a ninja!"

Nusa then had something to ask. "Mr. Faust, is this how you travel from place to place all the time? I feel like you have an inhumane stamina for someone who's known to have not done any enhancement procedure."

"Wait, really!?" Neijya almost fell as she lost her balance. Luckily, she managed to keep up and regain her pacing. "Is that true, leader!?"

"Are you confirming the first question or the latter?"


"Well, both are a yes then."

With some casual banter here and there, we managed to reach our first checkpoint. The one rooftop of many of Yugen Extra's varied outpost structures or just the abandoned building within the Lowstreet that they claimed for themselves.

"Alright." I clasped my hands. "Feel free to memorize the appearance on the pictures of the files again, if any of you are unsure of your own memories."

Neijya immediately scanned her documents that she still kept in one of her hands. As for Nusa, he didn't even bring the documents, for he had memorized everything with confidence.

"Remember what I said back then, I won't repeat any of it. And if you're wondering if one cue will be relevant throughout the hunt. Then yes, so make sure to memorize those.

"Listen well.

"To every person within the files that was born in January with no family surname, kill them by the throat."

We crept into the bars near the ceiling.

Before we went in, I hid my face and hair with the black scar that I brought. Both Nusa and Neijya were confused on whether they made a mistake, as if they had forgotten if they were told to do the same.

I ignored them. They would understand as time went on when their anxiety was cleared.

The moment I sent my hand signal.

The three of us jumped and lunged our weapons at the target of the hunt.

"Wait, is this just me or there is something above us—"


After killing our target that met the criteria, I immediately knocked those that weren't qualified. Both Nusa and Neijya followed afterwards. Aside from the dead, 11 people were found unconscious on the floor the moment we're done.

With the first hunt being a success, we picked up the bodies and stored them into the storage room.

We then immediately rushed to another place within the Yugen Extra's territory, and even the road where they were often guarded or patrolled.


Rachel, January 21th

River, January 11th

Roman, January 13th

Guerra, January 9th

Hinton, January 7th

Braun, January 4th

"With every beginning, there will be an end. As the end is nearing, those who lived by the sins of ignorance shall meet their lonely friends~

"To every person within the files that were born in December with a family surname, cut off both of their hands before killing them."


Rene Barrett, December 1st

Davin Kennedy, December 2nd

Damon Brown, December 7th

Jaron Kaufman, December 19th

Kymani Robbins, December 18th

Jonas Waters, December 9th

Hailey Coleman, December 10th

Carson Spears, December 10th

As the skirmish and retrieval continued back and forth, one of the Yugen Extra landed their sharp metal rod that contained the newest poison and managed to pierce Neijya's neck.

"H-how!? How are you still alive!?"

Neijya pulled out the rod from her wound. Immediately after, the wound was patched and her neck went good as news.

As expected, she was a Lunarian.

"Hah! Selective Substances Extermination, Biatch!"

The pink haired woman immediately knocked the man with the other end of her chainsaw handle.

"Huh?" Nusa, who had just retracted his pike and pierced the hand of his prey, saw what was happening with his teammates. "Wait, this prototype uniform can do that?"

Right after I was done with my prey, I walked up to my confused hound with an improvised upbeat tine of Cheshire Cat's voice, "Negating the poison? Absolutely, patching up your wounds? Probably not. Only Neijya has the privilege."

"You sure are talented in imitating voices, Mr. Faust. Although, I must admit, it is kinda creepy imagining the Cheshire Cat to say that sentences."