Mooing Steaks

Before pushing the bell, Quixote took out the item from her reinforced metal box. White preservative smoke was let loose as the lid was opened. She then took the fancy multi layered plastic bags that were thrice the size of the metal container. If I recall correctly, that reinforced delivery backpack of hers should have a compressor technology that allows a closed space to fill excess volumes.

One of the nice variations of utility technologies. The ownership of that technology patent was a megacorporation that was stationed in District 12. The one that Quixote's had was the old version, the newer version had a whole different patent right as it was basically a different tech on itself.

A storage subspace, in its literal sense. Hans got his hands on it and wore it on his hands in the form of gloves.

I planned to get that one in the near future. Probably on my last Hunter Gathering if I'm lucky.