Licarus Keyhole: Nehemoth



"Why does this look like a next stage boss fight, like one of those advanced open world game's levels with numerous mobs and a single eccentric character in the middle of a suspiciously large open space!" said Licarus, pointing at the open wide space on the end of the alley where he was at, while startledly glaring at the former Jingoist. "And why are we stopping right before that area? Then again, those people haven't tried to approach us just yet, as if we are still within the outside of their detection radar!"

"Well, I don't really know what you're talking about, but you're not entirely wrong about how suspicious that group of people are." Horus swallowed her saliva. "But are you implying that we should go there and approach those shady groups?"

"Of course not!"

"Then why are you complaining about us stopping before entering that area!"

"I'm just describing it!"