Don't Give Me a Chance

"Why are you in a daze? You don't want to marry me? Do you think I'm ugly?" Zhao Churan rolled her eyes.

"Churan, don't make fun of me. I'm having a big headache right now," Long Chen smiled bitterly.

"Alright, then I'll help you think of a way. With your current situation, there's only one path you can take, and that is to earn your own living and get your own business going. Of course, you have to be careful not to use a single cent of the Li family's money to invest in your business. Otherwise, it'll be hard to avoid the Li family's sarcastic comments in the future," Zhao Churan said.

"What should I do for the business?" Long Chen asked subconsciously.

"Do you even need to ask? If you ask me, you'd better open a medical center. With your medical skills, you can make a name for yourself and even earn a hundred million a year," Zhao Churan laughed.