Thrown Out of Jingshui Villa

Li Yuechan pulled Long Chen and sped up, not wanting to hear Zhao Churan speak anymore.

Back home, Han Min told Li Shiqi and Li Yuexin about how they found Long Chen.

Li Yuexin looked at her sister, Li Yuechan, with a mocking expression.

"You traitor! I'm going to teach you a lesson today!" Li Shiqi was furious.

"Fifty million for a beating?" Long Chen stared at Li Shiqi.

Li Shiqi was stunned and stood rooted to the ground.

"Er, about that, Old Li, it's actually nothing much. Zhao Churan is the CEO of a large company. She won't do anything out of line. Let's just forget about it," Han Min immediately changed her tone.

"Long Chen, go change your clothes and come with me," Li Yuechan said through gritted teeth.

"Where to?"

"Go and change your clothes first," Li Yuechan's expression was serious.

"Fine," Long Chen went upstairs to change.

A moment later, they left the house together.