You'll Bear the Consequences

In the blink of an eye, more than 30 people had drowned Long Chen. The scene was very frightening.

Many guests hurriedly retreated, afraid of being affected.

"Long Chen."

Hu Qingqing desperately rushed into the crowd, trying to save Long Chen.

But a man pushed Hu Qingqing to the ground.

At the same time, Li Yuechan also wanted to help Long Chen, but she was held back by Zhou Haiyang and could not break free.

"Zhou Haiyang, if anything happens to him, I'm not done with you."

Li Yuechan shouted.


Zhou Haiyang slapped Li Yuechan on her face and scolded, "You b*tch, you're a traitor. Once this matter is settled, I'll deal with you tonight."

"How dare you hit me, you bastard!"

Li Yuechan raised her hand to fight back, but Zhou Haiyang caught her wrist easily.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

At this moment, the 30 people who were attacking Long Chen were suddenly sent flying.