Can a Slap Wake You Up?

The mayor's words shocked everyone.

No one had expected the mayor, who had come to the wedding banquet, to speak up for Long Chen. Wasn't he an important guest of the Zhou family? Logically speaking, he should be helping the Zhou family, but now it seemed to be the other way around.

Zhou Chuan and the members of the Zhou family were also stunned. They stared at the mayor in disbelief.

The mayor smiled and didn't think that there was any problem, "Master Zhou, I hope that you can seriously consider what I said just now. I heard that Miss Li Yuechan and Long Chen were originally in love with each other. Since Young Master Long has come here, it shows that he loves Miss Li Yuechan deeply. So, please don't stop him."

"Mayor, have you forgotten our agreement? When my Zhou family came to Qian Prefecture, we first discussed with you. Isn't it inappropriate for you to help an outsider like this?"

Zhou Chuan's eyes were cold.