Chapter 31

As all the myriad world viewers now know, never go into a duel with anger fueling you.

Every single time, it ends in defeat.

If Soulburner didn't attack, he would've had a chance to win had he not triggered Bohman's trap card.

Still, who could've predicted the two cards in Bohman's hand were traps that could be activated from the hand?

Even in late-era dueling worlds, planning for the opponent's hand is a monumental skill that even legendary duelists lack.

Since the VRAINS world has finished their duel on the list, it is time to return to the simple dueling of the DM world.

At this time, (DM) Seto Kaiba has successfully created his duel disk technology based on the Yugi vs Atem duel and is ready to release it. Just, will the Battle City tournament still occur?

As this became a matter of debate, the screen came to life with the DM world's next entry.

"Next duel. (DM World): Seto Kaiba vs Atem."

An odd expression flashes across (DM) Seto Kaiba's face. So far, he has only faced Yugi once and odds are that was against the Pharoah. He doubts that duel would make the list so this duel is likely the Battle City duel mentioned in the past couple of duels.

(DM) Seto was prideful and cocky during the Battle City tournament, a different case from the current Seto who has been recovering from the shock Atem inflicted on him during their match a little bit ago. Without the events of the original history taking place, Seto's psyche has been relatively calm and business-minded during the time the screen has been in this world.

Will this change due to this next entry?

The screen opens up to a familiar tower where two old rivals are facing each other on the dueling platform. Seto is ready to get his well-deserved rematch but Joey's fate acts as a shadow over Atem's mind.

"Wheeler shouldn't even be here," Seto says. "I warned him not to play with the big boys and he got what he deserved. A slap in the face by The Winged Dragon of Ra. If getting attacked by an Egyptian God card doesn't knock any sense into him, nothing will."

"Kaiba!" (DM) Joey yelled at the arrogant man on the screen. Seto always belittles Joey so the two never got along. Yet, is this truly because Joey doesn't like Seto discriminating against him, or does he truly want Seto to view him as someone on the same level?

Blue-Eyes represent power and Red-Eyes represent evolution as they say.

That means Blue-Eyes represent the peak and constantly provoke Red-Eyes to improve themselves to reach their level.

By that logic, Seto unconsciously regards Joey as a worthy duelist who he wants to see reach his level in the future. Just that Joey happened to falter in the face of an Egyptian God card, something that a true duelist of his level wouldn't do.

Since Joey didn't become a true duelist in Seto's eyes, he is free to talk down to him as he wishes.

Atem steels himself to win his duel with Seto in order to face Marik in the finals and save the world.

Seto wants to defeat Atem and become the best duelist in the world. It is for this purpose he set up the Battle City tournament.

The shadows of Obelisk and Slifer emerge behind their respective owners, each glaring at the other ready to do battle.

[4000 LP] [4000 LP]

The duel begins and Seto instructs the surrounding pillars to transform into holographic projectors. A swirling rainbow light encloses the two duelists before transforming into an ancient coliseum. On the spectator stands are crowds of people cheering Seto's name.

"Now that's what I'm talking about," (ZEXAL) Alito exclaims.

"A duel worthy of a man with aspirations to be king," (ARC-V) Jack comments.

"Only Seto Kaiba can have a duel this spectacular," (GX) Chazz praises.

"Only Seto Kaiba can have a duel that strokes his own ego this much," (DM) Tristan mocks.

Atem summons Queen's Knight in defense mode and sets a card to end his turn.

Queen's Knight: [1600 DEF]

Seto draws and gets Obelisk the Tormentor in his hand. Anticipation fills his body as he gets ready to beat Atem to the punch with his own Egyptian God card.

Atem knows though that Seto has several strategies that can make the duel difficult for him.

In his previous duel against Ishizu, Seto used a combination of the quick-play spell card Shrink and the trap card Crush Card Virus to destroy Ishizu's high-power monsters. If the same strategy is used against Atem, it can be precarious.

Seto summons X-Head Cannon in attack mode.

X-Head Cannon: [1800 ATK]

Seto then activates the spell card Spell Sanctuary, using its effect to make both duelists search their decks and add a spell card to their hand.

Late-era duelists feel this strategy is dangerous as it allows duelists to set up powerful and possibly game-winning combo plays but if the controlling player isn't able to seize the opportunity to get the upper hand then the opponent will be able to seize it right back.

Seto doesn't continue with any combos however as he sets a card and ends his turn.

Atem stares down at X-Head Cannon wondering why Seto didn't attack with it. He summons Alpha the Magnet Warrior in defense mode and sets a card to end his turn.

Alpha: [1700 DEF]

The turn passes to Seto who is ready to utilize his combo to summon Obelisk the Tormentor. He activates the spell card Soul Exchange and uses it to target Atem's monsters. With the effect of Soul Exchange, if Seto tribute summons a monster he can use Atem's monsters as tributes for that tribute summon.

Atem's monsters are surrounded by a gust of wind, shuffling them over to Seto's side of the field. Atem activates his spell card Change of Heart. Normally, a spell card like Change of Heart cannot be activated in response to anything but thanks to the continuous spell card Spell Sanctuary all spell cards can be activated as though they were quick-play spell cards and Atem is able to prevent Obelisk the Tormentor from being summoned.

X-Head Cannon changes control to Atem's side of the field.

Seto activates the spell card Enemy Controller, paying 1000 LP to gain control of X-Head Cannon.

Seto: [3000 LP]

Seto raises Obelisk the Tormentor in his hand, ready to summon it to the field. Atem seizes the opportunity to activate his trap card Lifeforce Sword, targeting Seto's raised Obelisk the Tormentor. Thanks to Lifeforce Sword, Obelisk the Tormentor is removed from the game for 3 turns.

"What's the rush?" Atem asks. "The duel's just getting started."

The myriad worlds audience cheer as they are amazed by the quick back and forth between Atem and Seto over Obelisk the Tormentor.

Since Seto's turn is over all monsters on the field return to their respective owners.

Atem starts his turn and ponders over the state of his hand. While he is about to finish the preparations for summoning Slifer the Sky Dragon, the Egyptian God is nowhere to be seen right now. Atem sets a card and ends his turn.

Seto starts his turn and Marik walks through the holographic coliseum wall. He is waiting to see who his next opponent is going to be.

Seto summons Y-Dragon Head and uses its monster effect to join with X-Head Cannon.

XY-Dragon Cannon: [2200 ATK]

XY-Dragon Cannon attacks and destroys Alpha the Magnet Warrior.

"You look so worried," Seto taunts. "Are you afraid of losing in shame? Once a duelist starts thinking about defeat they've already lost."

Seto activates the spell card Lullaby of Obedience and uses its spell effect to pay 1000 LP to add a level 8 or higher monster in Atem's deck to Seto's hand. His target is Slifer the Sky Dragon!

Seto: [2000 LP]

Atem begrudgingly walks over to Seto's side of the field and hands him his deck. Flipping through the bottom of Atem's deck, Slifer the Sky Dragon is the second card from the bottom. Seto taunts Atem as he adds Slifer to his hand, thinking he was never going to see it if not for Lullaby of Obedience.

Before the duelists can fully separate, Atem confidently laughs at Seto's expense as he activates the spell card Exchange to have both duelists exchange a card from their hands.

Atem reminisces on the previous duel where he played Exchange when he used it to shake Marik's mind control over Joey.

(DM) Marik looks over at his family and tries to reassure them that he won't do anything like that anymore.

Seto hands Atem Slifer the Sky Dragon while Atem hands Seto the trap card Life Shaver.

Why was Atem playing with Life Shaver?! The trap card makes the opponent discard cards up to the number of turns it was on the field. This is very dangerous against a card like Slifer the Sky Dragon whose ATK is determined by the number of cards in the hand.

It's too late now so Atem summons Big Shield Gardna in defense mode.

Big Shield Gardna: [2600 DEF]

Atem sets a card and ends his turn.

In the distance Kaiba Corp blimp, Ishizu watches over Odion's comatose body. An ancient battle is repeating itself and they are not able to witness it.

The audience is then shown images of Ishizu telling Seto about his ancient past. On one side is the Pharoah and his Dark Magician, on the other is the challenger with his Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Both duelists look like Atem and Seto respectfully.

Seto didn't believe in ancient prophecies but the Egyptian God cards are living proof of the power of this ancient prophecy. Ishizu believes in this prophecy and that is why she gave Seto his Obelisk the Tormentor and kickstarted the events of the Battle City tournament.

Yet, the ancient scriptures included nothing about the outcome of the ancient battle between the two duelists.

The duel between Seto and Atem continues as Seto sets a card face-down and summons Z-Metal Tank.

With the last union monster on the field, XY-Dragon Cannon and Z-Metal Tank combine.

XYZ-Dragon Cannon: [2800 ATK]

With XYZ-Dragon Cannon, Seto has 3 monsters at the ready-to-be tributed for the summon of Obelisk the Tormentor. XYZ-Dragon Cannon attacks and destroys Big Shield Gardna. Atem activates the trap card Soul Rope and pays 1000 LP to summon from his deck a level 4 or lower monster.

Atem: [3000 LP]

Atem special summons King's Knight using the effect of Soul Rope.

King's Knight: [1600 ATK]

Since King's Knight is summoned to the field while Atem controls Queen's Knight, he special summons Jack's Knight from his hand.

Jack's Knight: [1900 ATK]

Atem has three monsters on his field now! Tributing the three knights, Atem raises the card in his hand to the sky as a violet ray of energy shoots up into the clouds above.

Summon! Slifer the Sky Dragon!

A violet silhouette shoots out from the dark clouds above as the gigantic Egyptian God comes into being, wrapping around the body of the Kaiba Corp tower.

Slifer the Sky Dragon: [3000 ATK]

Normally, any duelist would be wary when facing an Egyptian God card but Seto's calm and arrogant demeanor has Atem spooked. Knowing that he has the trap card Life Shaver, Atem is afraid to attack XYZ-Dragon Cannon for fear of Seto activating the trap card.

To attack or not to attack. One risks losing Slifer the Sky Dragon and the other risks letting Seto summon Obelisk the Tormentor.

Atem decides to attack with Slifer the Sky Dragon and Seto activates his set card Interdimensional Transporter to remove XYZ-Dragon Cannon from the field. Slifer's thunderous blast misses its target before shooting up into the air and emitting thunderous shockwaves upon hitting the clouds.

In the Kaiba Corp blimp, Mokuba and Tristan are excited to find that the blast has fixed their transmission signals letting them reach the mainland. An emergency aircraft lifts off ready to help Joey.

Mokuba checks the transmission and decides to use it to his advantage by broadcasting Seto and Atem's duel to the mainland.

Countless television panels switch programs to the Battle City semi-finals. Countless duelists look up in shock and awe at the sight of the duel.

With Slifer's attack over, XYZ-Dragon Cannon flashes back to the field. Atem confidently smiles, happy that Seto was not able to defeat Slifer. Staring at Seto, he confidently sets a card and ends his turn.

Seto's face pales as he notices the oddity of Atem's action. With one less card in hand, Slifer's ATK is reduced by 1000. Now Seto doesn't need Obelisk to defeat Slifer, XYZ-Dragon Cannon can do the deed itself.

Slifer the Sky Dragon: [2000 ATK]

Now the shoe is on the other foot as Atem snickers at Seto, he is now in control of the mind game.

Seto shrugs off Atem's taunt and adds Obelisk the Tormentor back to his hand, the effect of Lifeforce Sword wearing off. He then tributes his XYZ-Dragon Cannon, using it as three tributes for a tribute summon.

Summon! Obelisk the Tormentor!

Countless blue lights hit the sky before bringing down blue lightning from the clouds above. The actual card sends up sparks upon touching Seto's duel disk. Blue particles gather behind Seto and form the body of Obelisk the Tormentor.

Obelisk the Tormentor: [4000 ATK]