Chapter 32

The two Egyptian Gods are on the field!

Seto gloats over his Obelisk having the upper hand with Atem only having two cards in his hand.

Mokuba makes his way through the coliseum hologram as the mainland's viewers marvel at Seto and Atem's duel.

Meanwhile, Tristan is telling his friends that a medical helicopter is on the way. Before they can bask at the moment though, the sight of Obelisk and Slifer catches their attention from afar.

In the duel, Slifer the Sky Dragon's monster effect activates since Seto summoned Obelisk the Tormentor. Obelisk the Tormentor takes a blast of thunderous energy, dropping its ATK by 2000.

Obelisk the Tormentor: [2000 ATK]

Against other monsters, this would be a disadvantage but an Egyptian God card is able to shake off effects that work against them during the end phase. The ATK drop stops Seto from attacking, so he ends his turn by setting two cards face-down.

Onelisk the Tormentor: [4000 ATK]

Atem draws his card and Slifer the Sky Dragon's ATK increases.

Slifer the Sky Dragon: [3000 ATK]

Not stopping, Atem activates the spell card Pot of Greed to draw an additional two cards to his hand.

Slifer the Sky Dragon: [5000 ATK]

Atem attacks Obelisk the Tormentor with his Slifer the Sky Dragon but Seto activates the trap card Command Silencer to negate the attack and draw a card. Now, Atem misses his opportunity to destroy Obelisk the Tormentor and Seto still has a set card on the field. If that set card is Life Shaver, then Slifer's demise is inevitable.

Atem sets two cards and ends his turn.

Slifer the Sky Dragon: [3000 ATK]

Atem goads Seto, asking if the two set cards of his scare Seto from attacking. Seto flinches but takes his turn.

Atem activates the set spell card Card Destruction and forces both duelists to discard their hands to the graveyard and draw that many cards from their deck. Seto thoughtfully draws his new hand, wondering what Atem is up to.

Atem activates the trap card Disgraceful Charity and uses its effect to add all cards discarded back to their owner's hands.

Slifer the Sky Dragon: [6000 ATK]

Seto activates the spell card Thirst for Compensation and uses its effect to special summon from his hand two level 4 or lower monsters in defense mode.

Blade Knight: [1000 DEF]

Sword of Souls: [1900 DEF]

Slifer the Sky Dragon's monster effect activates and tries to blow apart Seto's new monsters. Seto quickly activates from his hand the quick-play spell card Card Guard to discard a card from his hand in order to protect his monsters from effect destruction. The discarded card is the monster card Kaiser Sea Horse.

A flimsy but sturdy shield appears in front of Seto's monsters and takes the blunt of Slifer's attack before disintegrating.

Obelisk the Tormentor's monster effect activates, at the cost of tributing two of Seto's monsters Obelisk can inflict 4000 points of damage to everything on Atem's side of the field from Slifer the Sky Dragon to Atem himself. Obelisk's large hands enclose Seto's two monsters on the field, turning them into purple wisps of energy to be used in the coming attack.

With a loud command, Seto unleashes Obelisk the Tormentor's fist of fate.

Atem quickly stuffs the monster card Kuriboh from his hand into his graveyard in order to use its monster effect to reduce all damage dealt to 0. An effect that saves both his LP and Slifer the Sky Dragon thanks to the current rules of the DM world.

As much as the duelists of the myriad worlds want to complain that this type of operation is a glitch in the system, no errors have been found in the duel disk performing the action so it is a valid move in the DM world.

Seto sets a card and ends his turn.

Atem draws his card and Slifer the Sky Dragon's ATK goes back up.

Slifer the Sky Dragon: [6000 ATK]

Atem declares an attack with Slifer the Sky Dragon. Slifer's long tail curls around Obelisk the Tormentor's gigantic body ready to crush it but Seto has other plans. Activating the trap card Power Balance, Seto forces Atem to discard half of the cards in his hand. Obelisk breaks free from Slifer's grip and tightens its fist around Slifer the Sky Dragon's neck.

Atem glances at the cards in his hand and selects three to be discarded. Seto then activates the second effect of Power Balance to draw the same number of cards discarded.

Slifer the Sky Dragon: [3000 ATK]

Seto moves to strike back with Obelisk the Tormentor but Atem is quicker to respond. Taking a card from his hand, he immediately places it in his duel disk.

Slifer the Sky Dragon: [2000 ATK]

Activating the spell card Necromancy, Atem forces Seto to revive four monsters from his graveyard in defense mode. Four specters shoot out of Seto's graveyard before returning to the field.

Sword of Soul: [1900 DEF]

Kaiser Sea Horse: [1650 DEF]

Blade Knight: [1000 DEF]

X-Head Cannon: [1500 DEF]

Slifer the Sky Dragon's monster effect activates, inflicting 2000 points of damage to each of the revived monsters. For each one destroyed, the spell effect of Necromancy decreases Obelisk the Tormentor's ATK by 600.

Obelisk the Tormentor: [1600 ATK]

The battle continues and Seto activates the monster effect of Sword of Souls to increase Obelisk the Tormentor's ATK by 1000 since it was destroyed by Slifer the Sky Dragon.

Obelisk the Tormentor: [2600 ATK]

"Unreal!" (GX) Jaden exclaims.

"This truly is a battle of gods!" (ARC-V) Crow remarks.

"How can Atem get out of this one?" (5DS) Leo questions.

A huge energy ball forms between the two Egyptian Gods, Obelisk threatening to destroy Slifer the Sky Dragon. The two Egyptian Gods however separate without finishing their clash.

When it appears Slifer was about to be destroyed, Atem activated the monster effect of the Electromagnetic Turtle in his graveyard. Electromagnetic Turtle was sent to the graveyard thanks to Seto's trap card Power Balance. Thanks to that Atem can remove the Electromagnetic Turtle in his graveyard from the game and end the battle phase.

Atem sets a card and ends his turn.

Slifer the Sky Dragon: [1000 ATK]

A sense of joy fills Seto Kaiba's body as Atem has met and exceeded his expectations for a good duel. Memories of their previous duels flash through his mind as he remembers constantly reaching new heights.

Despite his last duel being his victory, Atem is the current King of Games. If Seto wants the title, he will have to win once again.

A sense of pride fills (DM) Seto's body as he feels entitled to claim the throne of the King of Games from Atem. If he won once before, he can do it again. The long-dormant dragon inside of him wakes up from his slumber as he itches to take his newly finished duel disk to challenge Yugi and Atem for the throne.

Behind (DM) Seto's body, a faint silhouette watches with a kind smile on her face. No matter what venture Seto finds himself in, Kisara will always be by his side in the form of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

A burst of air shoots through the stadium as Seto's momentum builds. Drawing his card, he readies his attack.

Activate! Spell Textbook!

Similar to how Yugi activated Spell Textbook when his back was against the wall in the duel against Atem, Atem now activates it in this perilous moment against Seto Kaiba.

Discarding the last card in his hand, Atem moves to draw the top card of his deck. If that card is a spell card, it is immediately activated.

With Slifer the Sky Dragon in such a perilous position, many of the myriad world viewers can guess the card Atem is going to draw. The very card that helped Yugi strike back and defeats the Pharoah in their climactic showdown...

Atem calls out to Joey's spirit for support and draws his card. He activates the newly drawn spell card Card of Sanctity and uses its effect to have both duelists draw until they hold six cards in their hands.

Six orbs of rainbow light come down from above and bless Atem's deck, drawing him six new cards.

Slifer the Sky Dragon: [6000 ATK]

Seto angrily activates the trap card Life Shaver and uses its effect to make Atem discard two cards.

Slifer the Sky Dragon: [4000 ATK]

Obelisk the Tormentor: [4000 ATK]

"It's a tie!" (ZEXAL) Yuma exclaims.

"They're both destroyed!" (5DS) Trudge yells out.

"Even Egyptian God cards cannot avoid mutual destruction," (VRAINS) Aso concludes.

Time slows down as the two Egyptian God cards blow each other to pieces. An intense white light fills the arena as both Seto and Atem exclaim that this is unnatural.

Afar in the mainland, the broadcasting screens break apart from the sheer energy of the Egyptian God's clash.

Shock fills the myriad worlds audience as they watch closely, not wanting to miss whatever is happening on the screen.

Marik steps closer to the white light, hoping to see what is going on. He then glances down and sees his Millenium Rod activated without his control. Just like Seto's duel with Ishizu, it seems to be responding to Seto's plight.

Seto's and Atem's souls are drawn through a vast tunnel, traveling through time. When they come out, the image of ancient Egypt can be seen. The buildings are in shambles. Seto and Atem are then dragged to the figures of their Egyptian God cards, each lifelessly encased in stone.

The myriad world viewers are shocked at the visions shown on the screen. Whatever disaster struck the city, it was even capable of dooming the Egyptian Gods.

The two visitors are taken inside an ancient temple where the ancient figures of Set and Atem can be seen facing each other.

"Look at the almighty Pharoah now," Set taunts Atem. "Looks like your once prosperous kingdom has crumbled at your feet, in the grip of the Dark One."

(DM) The evil spirit of the Millenium Ring shudders as clues to Zorc's past are revealed to the myriad worlds. If anything, he should be thankful that Zorc is too strong for the likes of a duel to defeat him so no other details can be shared with the Millenium Items' owners.

Seto challenges Atem, prepared to claim his long-awaited victory against the Pharoah.

The duelists' tablets prop up, each summoning their owner's most loyal monster.

Blue-Eyes White Dragon!

Dark Magician!

The original battle begins to play out just as Seto and Atem's souls are flung back to the dueling platform. Both duelists fall to their knees, gasping for breath.

"Now, do you believe in your connection to the past?" Atem asks Seto.

"I know who I am," Seto monologues. "I am Seto Kaiba, leader of Kaiba Corporation and one of the most powerful men in the world. Yet, why do those visions keep plaguing me?"

Atem pleads with Seto to recognize his past but Seto only believes in what he can get his hands on.

As with most duels in the DM world, mysticism, and destiny plague the duelists' actions in the duel. Atem firmly believes in the destiny foretold but Seto believes in the future he can create with his own two hands.

Atem was meant to stand at the top but Seto had to fight for the top spot all his life and does not want to concede on his life's meaning.

The duel continues and Seto sets a card to end his turn.

Atem draws and sees Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts. Annoyed that he won't be able to use it to reduce Seto's LP to 0, Atem summons it in defense mode.

Gazelle: [1200 DEF]

Seto activates the trap card Cloning to create a token with all of the characteristics of the newly summoned Gazelle.

Token: [1200 DEF]

Atem sets a card and ends his turn.

Seto smiles to himself as he is ready to summon his ace monster to the field. Taunting Atem with its impending arrival, Seto activates the spell card Cost Down. Using its effect, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon in his hand has its level reduced by 2. Tributing the token, he tribute summons his ace monster.

Advanced Summon! Blue-Eyes White Dragon!

Blue-Eyes White Dragon: [3000 ATK]

A gigantic dragon appears behind Seto, making its first appearance on the screen. It then immediately shoots a blast of pure energy at Gazelle, destroying it.

Atem stares down at his deck, images of what he saw flashing through his mind. In order to defeat Seto, he must re-enact history.

Drawing his card, Atem immediately activates it.

Activate! Monster Reborn!

Be revived Dark Magician!

Dark Magician: [2500 ATK]

Atem's loyal servant clad in purple is now on the field, fighting alongside his master.

The viewers get excited as they now witness history repeating itself in the DM world. If this isn't destiny then what is?

Atem sets a card and ends his turn.

As much as he wants to use the pure power of his Dark Magician to face the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, he has to rely on his spell and trap cards. One of them is the spell card Magic Formula which can raise Dark Magician's ATK by 500, possibly creating a draw with the Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

Seto sets a card and activates the spell card Card of Demise. Using the effect of Card of Demise, Seto draws until his hand holds five cards but after five turns have passed he will have to discard his hand.

The duelists in the myriad worlds complain that this kind of spell is too powerful as many duels can end before the five-turn limit is up thanks to the many cards drawn from Card of Demise.

Seto stares down at Atem's set cards, his predictions indicating that the set cards are Magic Formula and Spell-Binding Circle. If he charges in blindly with Blue-Eyes White Dragon, he may fall for the trap but his hand is able to counter Atem's.

Seto normal summons Lord of Dragons. Using its monster effect, Seto's dragon-type monsters are immune to Atem's spell and trap cards that target them.

Lord of Dragons: [1200 ATK]

Seto ends his turn without attacking, hoping to goad Atem into attacking Lord of Dragons.

Atem summons Alpha the Magnet Warrior in defense mode and attacks with Dark Magician.

Alpha: [1600 DEF]

Seto activates the trap card Magical Trick Mirror and uses its effect to activate Atem's Monster Reborn from his graveyard.

Revive! Obelisk the Tormentor!

Obelisk the Tormentor: [4000 DEF]

Dark Magician's attack is intercepted by Obelisk's arm and sent back at Atem's LP.

Atem: [1500 LP]

Atem kneels on the ground, pain coursing through his body. Seto stands laughing proudly, his fierce monsters at his side.