Awakening Successful

"So, what were you saying about the trial?" she asked, her voice laced with curiosity as her delicate fingers gently caressed her chin in thoughtful contemplation.

"Don't think about it anymore! You have already surpassed the trial and proved you have strong mental fortitude," she declared, her ethereal figure gracefully flitting about the air with her wings, resembling a mesmerizing butterfly. "your strength and talent shine so outshine anyone. There's no need for a trial to check them. So, in the end, you have succeeded with flying colours."

"That will be all for now. Let us continue this conversation once you regain consciousness," she suggested, her words carrying an air of anticipation.

However, the look of perplexity and fascination refused to dissipate from Alaya's face, and the fairy noticed that quickly.

"Fine, feel free to inquire about anything that piques your curiosity. But I must warn you, the awakening process may leave you feeling a bit queasy," she cautioned, a faint glimmer of compassion thi flickering across her features.

"Tell me, did I ascend to 7-star aurar, or was it all just an illusion created by your intervention?" Alaya probed, her voice tinged with a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty.

A soft sigh escaped the fairy's lips, accompanied by a hint of exasperation. "And here I was hoping for a more intriguing question... Your answer will know that once you get awake," she replied, annoyance veiled beneath her ethereal grace.

"I suppose these are the only questions you have for now. Be patient for a bit, and ask me questions once you are awake. I will provide the answers you need then," she concluded, her voice carrying a sense of gentle reassurance.

Lloyd slumped against the cool wall, his sweat-drenched hair clinging to his forehead. Gasping for air, he fought to catch his breath, his chest rising and falling with each ragged inhale.

"Huff... If it weren't for that momentary relief from that pressure, I'd be crushed flat on the floor, eyes shut tight," he managed to say between breaths.

Lloyd himself struggled to get up or even move an inch of his body, getting hammered down to the floor by all the pressure that was there, and just when he was about to give up on getting up, the pressure almost reduced to nothing, and he got up quickly.

'Guess I have luck by my side,' He thanked his luck.

Although now the pressure was weighing him down, it wasn't flatting each inch of his body. He wasn't getting sandwiched between them.

'Well, if only the pressure didn't reduce at that moment, then I would have become a messy mess to clean," he joked, attempting to find some humor in the situation.

"I wonder how long it's going to take for her to regain consciousness," Lloyd pondered aloud, his thoughts drifting to the expected awakening that he had anticipated when the pressure had subsided.

"I should probably expect a few days for her awakening to fully manifest," he mused, trying to estimate a timeline. "Well, it shouldn't take her longer than that, considering how rare such occurrences are, and vice versa," he reasoned, offering a reasonable guess based on his understanding of the novel.

Just as Lloyd was lost in his thoughts, the pressure weighing on him suddenly began to diminish. Simultaneously, the chilled air and mist surrounding him also started to dissipate.

"Could it be that she has already completed her awakening?" he wondered, his mind racing with suspense and hope.

After everything had returned to normal, the surroundings cleared, leaving behind only the ice crystals and the one enclosing Alaya.

"Surprisingly, if it weren't for these sturdy ice crystals, anyone would think nothing had happened," Lloyd commented, observing the resilience of the crystals.

"Shall we test the strength of these crystals?" he proposed, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

Approaching the ice crystals, Lloyd attempted to break them with a punch. However, his impulsive act only resulted in a painful injury to his hand.

"Argh! Idiot!" he cursed, berating himself for his thoughtless action, his eyes welling up with tears from the sharp pain.

Gently caressing his injured hand, he realized the crystal he struck remained unscathed, without even a scratch, let alone a crack.

"Well, no wonder natural selection exists. These crystals are surprisingly strong. I dare say they're even stronger than titanium," he marveled, astonished by their remarkable durability.

As Lloyd continued to observe the crystals, his attention was drawn to the one encapsulating Alaya. Gradually, cracks began to form within the crystal.

"It looks like she'll be opening her eyes any moment now," Lloyd assumed, his excitement building.

With each deepening crack, the front part of the crystal gradually collapsed onto the ground, losing its fluorescent crystalline glow in the process.

Finally, as the entire front section of the crystal crumbled away, Alaya slowly opened her eyes.

"L-Lloyd, what are you doing here?" she asked, her voice soft and filled with confusion, her vision still blurry.

Lloyd smiled warmly at her use of his name instead of the usual "young master."

"Oh, you're awake already," he responded, a hint of surprise in his tone.

Alaya struggled to emerge from the crystal, feeling nauseous and lightheaded.

'The fairy was right about feeling nauseous and lightheaded after awakening,' Alaya thought, recalling the warning she had received.

As she took her first steps, her movements were unsteady, akin to someone inebriated.

"Hey, are you alright?" Lloyd asked with concern, swiftly moving to support her, wrapping his arms around her to prevent any potential falls.

'Did her awakening proceed smoothly?' Lloyd wondered anxiously.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I'm just a little weak from the awakening," Alaya assured him, trying to alleviate his worry.

"I'll take your word for it," Lloyd replied, choosing to trust her explanation.

At that moment, the fairy materialized before Alaya.

"I told you, didn't I?" the fairy shrugged, nonchalantly.

Startled by the sudden appearance, Alaya instinctively took a step back, her alertness heightened.

"Shh! Don't utter a word," the fairy communicated to Alaya through telepathy, preventing her from speaking aloud.

"Anyways, congratulations on successfully achieving awakening," Lloyd congratulated her, expressing his genuine joy and admiration for her accomplishment.


One Two buckle my shoeeesss Three four buckle some morrreeee

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Then click the link to meet me *seductive wink* - Jessica, 34

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